Saturday, February 4, 2012

Life and Debt [HQ Full Movie]

Life and Debt . The elite want to keep their populace ignorant, fat, immobile, and depoliticized so a select class can profit, profit, profit , it's referred to as breeding "sheeple". we the people need to look inward and fine the solution in us....we need to set our own standards and stop follow policies design to benefit them... example we always want what is from foreign and what we don't produce replace our Breadfruit for Irish potato.The reality of power/self interest is far more corrupt/insidious than what we can even dream of .The new World Order was put into plan after Hitler,USA as well as England and the Other G20 countries are the cause of chaos,create war an dependence an own,slavery is always,look deep because it is well hidden in poverty, Know thyself and choose wisely whom you serve. Do you serve the will of the usurer (usury is backed by evil/lucifer) or do you serve the Creator. .

Jamaica — land of sea, sand and sun. And a prime example of the impact economic globalization can have on a developing country. Using conventional and unconventional documentary techniques, this searing film dissects the "mechanism of debt" that is destroying local agriculture and industry while substituting sweatshops and cheap imports. With a voice-over narration written by Jamaica Kincaid, adapted from her book A SMALL PLACE, LIFE AND DEBT is an unapologetic look at the "new world order," from the point of view of Jamaican workers, farmers, government and policy officials who see the reality of globalization from the ground up .Unbelievable! I cannot Understand Why the USA Behaves Like the Roman Empire But as you Know HISTORY ALWAYS REPEATS ITSELF! 

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