by Tim W. Wood, Financial Sense:
As a result of the Industrial’s move above their 2007 high last week,
there has been a lot of talk about that advance triggering a so-called
Dow theory “buy signal.” First let me say that according to the original
writings of Charles H. Dow, William Peter Hamilton and Robert Rhea,
there is no such thing as a “buy” or “sell signal” in accordance with
orthodox Dow theory. Rather, our Dow theory founding fathers would
anticipate trend changes, near anticipated market tops and bottoms,
based on market behavior. It was actually these areas of anticipated
trend change that they referred to as “buy and sell spots.” They would
then take their positions accordingly and would then use the joint price
movement of the averages above or below previous secondary high or low
points to either confirm or negate their suspicions of the trend change.
It was then these joint movements of the averages above and below
secondary high and low points that served to confirm a bullish or bearish “primary trend change” in accordance with orthodox Dow theory.
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