Our model portfolio continues to show gains along with the major
indexes. At the end of last week the Nasdaq issued a buy signal along
with a minor pullback. This means the bullish trend is very strong and
the markets will likely move much higher. Last week the grand trine
with Neptune/Saturn/Jupiter tightened to an exact degree on
July 17th.
Transiting Jupiter is moving to an exact conjunction to the US Jupiter
(stocks) while the influence from the grand trine comes down from the
heavens. The influence of this aspect could be why the markets have
remained so bullish while the city of Detroit is falling into
bankruptcy. Mercury has moved direct on
July 20th while
inconjunct (150 degree angle, shaped like a boomerang) to the Federal
Reserve Mercury in the 5th house of ‘the states or colonies,’ in this
case Detroit, which is delivering, or returning like a boomerang, the
karma of debt. This influence can, and has in the past, created a
‘yank’ (sharp pullback). This is also why I have highlighted the
potential for a pullback into July 26th.

On Monday
July 22nd there
is a full moon in perigee (closest to earth) at 0 degrees Aquarius.
Full moons in perigee have a more significant influence than full moons
further out (called apogee). The gravity of the moons weight pushing on
earths atmosphere has a greater influence on the emotional bodies of
society and reflects (or magnifies) those energies for good or ill. The
moon is simply a giant reflector of mans creations in the earth. A
full moon in perigee is different than an eclipse of the moon (not as
dire) where the moon is ruled by the darkness and night side of life,
instead of reflecting the light of the sun. The last full moon in
Perigee was on June 23rd at 356,991 km from earth, and marked a turning
point in the markets that was bullish.
Monday the full moon is 359,169 km from earth, 2178 km further out from
earth. The influence of the moon could again bring a turn in the
markets and I am cautious about the markets here with Mercury inconjunct
in the Fed chart into July 26th.
I should also note that the full moon perigee/apogee cycle is
shifting now where the succeeding full moons will progressively move
further from earth until next Summer when in August 2014 the full moon
will be at 356,898 km from earth.
Overall, we are very bullish and see these potential pullbacks as opportunities to buy new long positions.
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