Weekly, Hourly and Seasonal chart of JO Coffee Exchange Traded Fund
The top weekly chart shows my price targets for 2013 while the lower hourly chart shows strong on balance volume meaning big money is slowly building a long position in coffee. The small white chart is the seasonal chart of coffee futures showing prices historically rise from Jan - March, then a correction followed by another rally in to May.
Coffee prices are still in a down trend but it looks as though the end is near and if played properly it could provide up to 100% return on your capital in 2013.
Coffee Futures Monthly Long Term Chart
This chart gives you a bird's eye view on where coffee prices are trading in the big picture scheme of things.
JO Coffee ETF VS. SBUX Starbucks Share Price:
Lower coffee bean prices has helped lift
share prices of coffee companies like Starbucks: SBUX, Coffee Holdings
Co.: JVA, Coffee Roasters Inc.: GMCR, and PEET's Coffee: PEET. But cheap
coffee may not be around that much longer and the lower earnings for
coffee brewers may be closer than most may think.
2013 Caffeine Conclusion:
In short, I have been watching coffee
prices for a bottoming pattern for months and I now feel it is getting
really close to a bottom and it could be a great trade and investment in
the new year. As for companies like Starbucks it will likely not have
much of an affect on the bottom line until the second half of the year
though it is something to keep an eye on during earning seasons.