Israel in the Crosshairs: An Interview with Israeli Ambassador Yehuda Avner
Posted on 02 June 2010.
Is this a red light flashing danger ahead, or should investors buy on this dip? Investment gurus are all over the place. Is this a falter on the ‘Road to Recovery’ or the end of a long bear market rally?
ArabianMoney thinks fiscal and monetary tightening suggest a far bigger stock market decline is in prospect, and these things tend to happen rather suddenly, although the warning signs are always pretty clear if you care to look. (more)
Prices may increase at rates “close to” Zimbabwe’s gains, Faber said in an interview with Bloomberg Television in Hong Kong. Zimbabwe’s inflation rate reached 231 million percent in July, the last annual rate published by the statistics office.
“I am 100 percent sure that the U.S. will go into hyperinflation,” Faber said. “The problem with government debt growing so much is that when the time will come and the Fed should increase interest rates, they will be very reluctant to do so and so inflation will start to accelerate.” (more)