Tesla Motors Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA) stock is known for its short-term volatility, and volatility was once again the name of the game this week. TSLA stock jumped as much as 4% yesterday (Monday) from its open price, before dipping as low as 3.7% today.
Investors can expect TSLA to remain extremely volatile in the short
term. Seemingly every week, or even every day, a new story breaks that
sends the stock up or down accordingly.
But recent news from China solidifies the case for TSLA stock's long-term potential...(more)
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As the gold and silver smash continues for a second day, billionaire Eric Sprott warned King World News that the Bank of England gold vaults are empty and there will be a price to pay for what Western central planners have done. The Canadian billionaire also warned about the banking system. Below is what Sprott, Chairman of Sprott Asset Management, had to say in Part I of a remarkable series of interviews that will be released today.
Sprott: “We have the Chinese coming in and buying an extra 1,500 tons (of gold). We will have a GLD metric that could be as much as 1,000 tons just this year, year over year. The Indians haven’t changed the laws yet but I think that will be forthcoming, and they can get back into normal buying mode….