I really enjoy Canada. A beautiful country with great cities and
fantastic food. Leave it to our neighbors to the north to show us how
it is done for a real housing mania.
For the first time in history we have experienced coordinated global
housing bubbles courtesy of central banks following very similar
policies. The addiction to debt isn’t only a U.S. born condition.
While the recent U.S. market is dominated by low supply and massive investor buying,
Canada continues to see rising home prices even right through the
global Great Recession. The Canadians interestingly enough also face
similar dilemmas between older and younger generations.
Many young professionals are fully priced out of the real estate market
even when they are working at relatively good careers. Many battle it
out in the condo markets were even in this market prices are inflated.
Canada has an incredibly heavy reliance on real estate, more so than the
United States and their household debt ratios make the U.S. look like a
frugal uncle. One fascinating story highlights a similar story to what
many baby boomers here in the U.S. are facing with their offspring.
They face the reality that they are house rich but cash poor. (more)
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kingworldnews.com / March 12, 2014
Today David Stockman spoke with King World News about the escalating crisis in Ukraine, gold, and a terrifying “financial and economic volcano.” KWN takes Stockman’s warnings very seriously because he is the man former President Reagan called on in 1981, during that crisis, to become Director of the Office of Management and Budget and help save the United States from collapse. Below is what Stockman had to say in part I of a series of powerful interviews that will be released today.
Eric King: “David, gold is up $20 today and I couldn’t help but notice that the U.S. Dollar Index is beginning to lose its grip on the 80 level — we’ve fallen to 79.5 on that index.”
Stockman: “I think there is a lot of insanity loose in the world, particularly in Ukraine. What the U.S. government and the Western European capitals are doing is stupid and dangerous….