If you like sexy tech stocks with fancy buzzwords or exotic mining
companies searching for gold in the Congo, then income investing is not
for you.
But if you prefer good old-fashioned dividends and are willing to
trade being the talk of your next cocktail party for common sense
investing, then you’ll like this strategy just fine.
Wonderful companies don’t have to come up with the next gee-whiz
gadget every year. They don’t deal in collateralized debt obligations or
other financial mumbo-gumbo.
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kingworldnews.com / March 01, 2015
Today the man who 90 days ago remarkably predicted the collapse of the euro against the Swiss franc warned King World News about the next shock that will bring the world to its knees.
Egon von Greyerz: “Eric, it’s now totally clear to me that the hyperinflation I’ve been expecting is becoming more persistent and is now engulfing country after country. We are already seeing it in the periphery but it’s on its way to engulfing the developed countries of the world….
Hyperinflation Is A Currency Event
Hyperinflation is a currency event. It arises as a result of countries living above their means for a protracted period of time. This causes massive debts and eventual money printing.