Eric Coffin: Part of what we want to cover is why we consider the Yukon an area play. Area plays are different from your average speculation because you're not speculating on just a given company, you're speculating on how the play as a whole will progress. You're speculating on the success of the lead companies in that play, regardless of whether you're actually trading those companies. This is the first time in 15 years that we've called something an area play.
The Yukon is not a digital-staking jurisdiction. That means someone has to go up there and put posts and lines in the ground. That means a major is less likely to come in and blanket stake the whole place. I would guess there are about 100 companies involved here right now. That gives you the critical mass, the promotional activity and news from a lot of companies to help drive the play.
You also have three geographically and geologically diverse discovery areas. The White Gold discovery was a different type of gold discovery than anybody had previously made in the Yukon, at least in terms of its size and average grade. That opens up a whole bunch of real estate that people either haven't looked at before, or they haven't looked in that way before. It allows a large number of companies to argue they might have something—that drives the promotional activity. (more)