Saturday, April 25, 2020

IS Natural Gas Set to Rocket Higher?

Of more concern is the chart showing the growth in the price of natural gas. The price has been fluctuating between $1.60 to $2.00/MMBtu. But in a couple of months the price is going to jump dramatically to $3, $4, $5, $6 and maybe even over $10/MMBtu. 
Because fracking wells produce 20 TCF of our natural gas right now out of a total of 30 TCF. Only 10 TCF is produced by non-hydraulic wells. 
And fracking is essentially dead in America as it costs too much to keep those wells open (they produce 6.5 million barrels a day). The glut of oil worldwide is over $25 million barrels and even if Russia, SA and the US agreed to cut production by 8 million barrels a day--that would mean all the most expensive wells to produce oil will be shut down. That's fracking. 
So then America becomes 20 TCF SHORT of enough natural gas to keep it's electrical plants operating and to heat homes next winter. 
Enjoy your lockdown America it's going to take a lot of firewood to stay warm. And buy up some candles your going to need that too.

Chris Mayer on 100-Baggers

Chris Mayer spoke about what he learned studying 100-Baggers, the 365 stocks returning at least 100x between 1962-2014, at our inaugural MicroCap Leadership Summit. The MLS is an annual event hosted by MicroCapClub. MicroCapClub is an exclusive forum for experienced microcap investors focused on microcap companies (sub $300m market cap) trading on United States, Canadian, and UK markets. MicroCapClub was created to be a platform for experienced microcap investors to share and discuss stock ideas. Investors can join our community by applying to become a member or subscribing to gain instant view only access. MicroCapClub's mission is to foster the highest quality microcap investor Community, produce Educational content for investors, and promote better Leadership in the microcap arena.