Growing wealth inequality means that the wealthy have nowhere to
hide and that events like those in Cyprus will happen in more countries
around the world, including developed nations, said Marc Faber, the
contrarian investor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.
"It will happen everywhere in the world, in Western democracies," Faber said "Squawk on the Street"
on Tuesday. "You have more people that vote for a living than work for a
living. I think you have to be prepared to lose 20 to 30 percent. I
think you're lucky if you don't lose your life."
"If you look
at what happened in Cyprus, basically people with money will lose part
of their wealth, either through expropriation or higher taxation," he
added. (more)
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A deal has just been struck with Cyprus. However, it was not the deal that Cyprus saw other countries receive. This was not the deal received by Greece, Italy and Spain. There were no bailed out banks in the aftermath. There was no transfer of risk from over-levered banks to the taxpayers. The risk was pushed back onto the banks. Their equity was wiped out. Their bondholders were wiped out. Their uninsured depositors saw their accounts raided for additional liquidity. It wasn’t just that the rules of the game had changed, the game itself changed. By raiding the depositors’ accounts, a major central bank has gone where they would not previously have dared. The Rubicon has been crossed. Going forward, this is expected to be the “template” for dealing with risky, over-levered banks and the countries which support them.
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