Roger Wiegand: I definitely agree with that. I think there's more psychology in economics than many people realize. You can see that with the current economic reports coming out of Washington and New York. It's obvious to intelligent people who follow these things that there's a lot of manipulation going on in economics, in the stock market and in politics. It is often effective if it's very timely. There's no question that psychology plays a major role in economics.
TGR: Further to the point, do you believe the American public is somewhat conditioned to believe that economics is a science and thus place too much faith in it?
RW: I think that could be true. I really believe that 80%–90% of the American public is regularly sold a bill of goods by the Wall Street media from New York and Washington. It just keeps coming day after day and, after awhile, it wears them out. I think the majority of Americans still believe a lot of this information. From my point of view, a good portion of it is just nonsense. (more)