Jarden Corporation manufactures, markets, and distributes consumer
products in the Unites States and internationally. The Outdoor Solutions
segment offers camping and outdoor equipment; fishing and team sports
equipment; alpine and nordic skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, and
in-line skating equipment; technical and outdoor apparel and equipment;
personal flotation devices, water sports equipment, and all-terrain
vehicle gear; and inflatable air beds and accessories. The Consumer
Solutions segment provides home vacuum packaging machines, scales,
coffeemakers and other beverage products, small appliances and personal
care products, and specialty kitchen and home environment products under
the Bionaire, Breville, Crock-Pot, FoodSaver, Health o meter, Holmes,
Mr. Coffee, Oster, Patton, Rival, Seal-a-Meal, Sunbeam, VillaWare, White
Mountain brands. The Branded Consumables segment offers home canning
jars and accessories; playing cards and accessories; firelogs and
firestarters; cord, rope, and twine; storage organizers and workshop
accessories; and doors and fencing, as well as home safety, baby care,
home care, health care, and arts and crafts products.
Please take a look at the 1-year chart of JAH (Jarden Corporation) below with my added notations:
JAH has a current level of resistance at $46 (red). The stock also
has a common lower level at $44 (blue) that has previously acted as
support and resistance. Below those levels you can see that $42 (teal)
had been a key area of support. So, in addition to showing clear levels
of support/resistance, JAH is also showing you that it tends to react to
each $2 increment. The Tale of the Tape: JAH is currently trading
between its $44 and $46 levels. A long position could be entered at $44
or on a break above $46 with a stop placed below the level of entry. If
JAH breaks below $44, another long play could be made at $42. Please share this article
One of the chief problems with many forms of alternative energy is consistency.
Wind turbines, for example, can experience wide variations in availability. The same is true for solar and tidal.
In some instances, availability can dip too low, forcing a disconnect from the grid.
However, there’s a company out there that may have solved that problem — and more.
I’m talking about Maxwell Technologies (Nasdaq: MXWL), a leading manufacturer of ultracapacitors (UCs) — a bourgeoning new technology that increases energy efficiency. (more)
Saudi Arabia, a major supporter of opposition forces in Syria, has
increased crackdown on its own dissenters, with 30,000 activists
reportedly in jail. In an exclusive interview to RT a Saudi prince
defector explained what the monarchy fears most.
“Saudi Arabia has stepped up arrests and trials of peaceful
dissidents, and responded with force to demonstrations by
citizens,” Human Rights Watch begins the country’s profile on
its website.
Political parties are banned in Saudi Arabia and human rights
groups willing to function legally have to go no further than
investigating things like corruption or inadequate services.
Campaigning for political freedoms is outlawed.
One of such groups, which failed to get its license from the
government, the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association
(ACPRA), was cited by AFP as saying the kingdom was holding
around 30,000 political prisoners. (more)
FleetCor Technologies, Inc. provides fuel cards and workforce payment
products and services to businesses, commercial fleets, oil companies,
petroleum marketers, and government entities in North America, Latin
America, and Europe. It sells a range of customized fleet and lodging
payment programs; and offers various card products to purchase fuel,
lodging, and related products and services at participating locations.
The company also offers equipment that reduces unauthorized and
fraudulent transactions to over-the-road trucking fleets, shipping
fleets, and other operators of heavily industrialized equipment,
including sea-going vessels, mining equipment, agricultural equipment,
and locomotives. The company owns and operates proprietary closed-loop
networks through which it electronically connects to merchants, and
captures, analyzes, and reports customized information. In addition,
FleetCor Technologies, Inc. uses third-party networks to deliver its
payment programs and services; and provides a range of services, such as
issuing and processing, as well as specialized information services.
Please take a look at the 1-year chart of FLT (FleetCor Technologies, Inc.) below with my added notations:
FLT has a very important price level at $80 (navy) that has been
acting as support for the last (3) months. The stock also has a level of
resistance that seems to be forming at $90 (red). Prior to the $80 and
$90, FLT had reacted to $70 (green) back in February March and April.
So, in addition to showing a clear level of support and resistance, FLT
is also demonstrating that it tends to react to each $10 increment. The Tale of the Tape: FLT is currently trading
between its $80 and $90 levels. A long position could be entered at $80
or on a break above $90 with a stop placed below the level of entry. If
FLT breaks below $80, another long play could be made at $70. If you are
looking for a short trade instead, a break below $80 would provide you
with that opportunity. Please share this article
The number of U.S. taxpayers
renouncing citizenship or permanent-resident status surged to a record
high in the second quarter, as new laws aimed at cracking down on
overseas assets increase the cost of complying and the risk of a
taxpayer misstep.
A total of 1,130 names appeared on the latest
list of renunciations from the Internal Revenue Service, according to
Andrew Mitchel, a tax lawyer in Centerbrook, Conn., who tracks the data.
That is far above the previous high of 679, set in the first quarter,
and more than were reported in all of 2012.
Taxpayers aren't required to explain the move, but experts said the recent rise is likely due to tougher laws and enforcement.
"The IRS crackdown on U.S. taxpayers living abroad seems to be having an effect," said Mr. Mitchel.
The IRS declined comment.
in reporting renunciations might mean that many who appeared on the
current list made the move months earlier. Taxpayers who renounced can
be subject to an exit tax, and people who renounced last year may have
avoided higher taxes on capital gains and income that went into effect
in 2013.
The U.S. is rare in that all income earned by citizens
and permanent residents, even those living abroad, can be subject to
U.S. tax, according to Bryan Skarlatos, a New York lawyer. The U.S. also
confers citizenship on people who are born on American soil.
U.S. launched the tax crackdown after the terrorist attacks of Sept.
11, 2001, and ratcheted up its efforts after 2009, amid evidence that
UBS AG UBSN.VX +0.53% and other foreign institutions helped U.S.
taxpayers hide assets.
Some taxpayers have applied for IRS
limited-amnesty programs, in which they pay stiff penalties for past
noncompliance but avoid prosecution.
Tax lawyers say the crackdown has ensnared smaller violators who weren't intentionally evading U.S. taxes.
addition, a law enacted in 2010, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance
Act, or Fatca, requires foreign financial institutions to certify they
aren't hiding U.S. taxpayer assets, which lawyers say is leading some to
reject U.S. customers.
Taxpayer penalties for failing to report assets can be severe, including up to 50% of an account balance for each year. american
"u.s. citizenship" u.s. "united states" law foreign foreigner americans
renounce "renounce citizenship" trends overseas tax taxes The web of
rules is "overly burdensome," said Jeffrey Neiman, a former federal
prosecutor who led the 2009 UBS case, which resulted in the bank's
agreeing to a $780 million settlement. He now is a lawyer in private
practice in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. "You basically find yourself in this
continuous nightmare."
The cost of complying with various rules and regulations can be steep even for people with small tax bills.
Tapanila, who moved to Canada more than 40 years ago and is now
retired, renounced her citizenship in November and appeared on the
current list. She says her U.S. taxes amounted to about $250 last year
and she didn't take the step to avoid paying them.
Legal and
accounting fees and other costs of making sure she was in compliance in
recent years have added up to nearly $40,000, says Ms. Tapanila. "It is
nothing but stress."
Expatriation can also be costly, requiring that taxpayers prove they have properly paid five years' taxes, among other things.
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