According to Nenner, it’s about to go the other way - down. Nenner explains,
“Definitely, later this year, the interest rates are going lower, and it could be much lower. We did work on all kinds of economic indicators. Employment is not going to be as good anymore as they say.How bad is this financial cycle going to get? Nenner is not afraid to use the “D” word. Nenner contends,
Inflation is not going to be as strong as they expect. The commodity index is breaking down. Copper cycles are down. Crude oil cycles are down. Soon, everybody is going to wake up again and say hey, what’s going on? It is very interesting how Wall Street is approaching all the indicators...
If you do your homework, everything actually looks like the economy is weakening.”
“Still, the Fed talks like this could continue forever, and it’s the longest expansion. So, why do you think this time is going to be different? If you start with this low of GDP and interest rates and then you get to recession or depression, then you definitely get into at least disinflation.”So, does Nenner see an actual depression coming soon? Nenner says,
“Yeah, I have been saying that for many years...On gold and silver, Nenner thinks they both rise in price, but not until after a bit more pain for holders of precious metals. Nenner says,
Yes, if you look at the... long term cycles. Yes, we are going to a hyperinflation, but first, we are going to have a deflation scare...
We have one more scare of deflation before we get into real big inflation problems. It is a matter of timing. So, it could be a couple of years away.”
“Gold is going to enter a new bull market. The first cycle will bottom after the summer. $1,212 per ounce is our downside target. If it hangs around there and it’s after the summer, we will probably give it a buy signal. If that breaks, we will come up with a new low price target, but it definitely will enter a new bull market. Gold is in a bull market even though it came down from $1,900 per ounce...So, would Nenner be a seller of gold? Nenner says, “No, not now . . . it’s going to top $2,500 per ounce . . . in about two years or so.”
It’s going to pick up anyway in a couple of months, but is it going to be from $1,212 or a lower price target?”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with renowned financial and political cycle expert Charles Nenner.
(This report talks about the coming downturn in the economy, Donald Trump and gold starting a new bull market.)