Jim Trippon, of the China Stock Digest, says that investors better start scaling into China now, or risk missing the biggest economic opportunity of our lifetime. Quality growth stocks can be bought for price earnings multiples under 11, and often for 4-5 times, compared to an average 13 multiple for the S&P 500. You are already investing indirectly in the Middle Kingdom whether you realize it or not. Just take a stroll through Wal-Mart (WMT).
Jim has been publishing his widely followed China Stock Digest for six years, running a full time group of analysts out of offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Houston. Financial markets in China are still primitive, with no options or futures, short selling, international accounts, arbitrage, spotty disclosure, and tough currency restrictions. Individuals account for up to 70% of turnover, compared to only 10%-20% in the US, which can lead to higher highs and lower lows in share prices. (more)