Monday, June 28, 2010
Weekly Summary and a Look Ahead
On Monday, the BEA will release the May Personal Income and Outlays report. The consensus is for a 0.5% increase in income, and a 0.2% increase in spending. Also on Monday, the May Chicago Fed National Activity Index will be released at 8:30 AM. This is a composite index of other data.
On Tuesday, the April Case-Shiller house price index will be released at 9:00 AM. The consensus is for a slight decline in the house price index. At 10:00 AM, the Conference Board will release Consumer Confidence for June (consensus is for about the same as in May or 63.3).
On Wednesday, the ADP employment report will be released (consensus is for an increase of 60K private sector jobs, up from 55K in May). Also on Wednesday, the Chicago Purchasing Managers Index for June will be released. Consensus is for the PMI to be about the same as May, or 59.7. (more)
Technically Precious with Merv, June 25, 2010
Which Investments To Own…And Which To Avoid

Indeed, we officially entered a bear market in 1999 (or 2007 depending on how you look at it) but because so much of the US's collective wealth and economic activity relies on financial speculation, the Federal Reserve has essentially blown serial bubbles to combat the collapse ever since.
Because of this, many investors today view the stock market with suspicion. After all, if the only investing environments that occur are speculative bubbles or gut-wrenching collapses, it's hard to find any fundamentally sensible reason to invest in stocks. (more)
Fear Feeds Greed With S&P 500 Correlation to Bond Yields Highest on Record
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index and 10-year Treasury rates posted a correlation coefficient of 0.8412 in the 60 trading days through June 16, showing stock prices and bond yields were the most linked in Bloomberg data going back to 1962. The last time the relationship was almost this strong during an economic expansion was at the beginning of the 2002 to 2007 bull market, when the benchmark gauge for U.S. equities doubled.
Rising correlations show investors are ignoring relative values among industries and assets and reacting to day-to-day signals on the economy, convinced Europe’s debt crisis will spur the second global contraction in three years. Invesco Ltd., Wells Capital Management Inc. and Chemung Canal Trust Co., who together manage $957 billion, say those concerns are overblown and shares will advance as the fastest profit growth since the mid-1990s restores confidence.(more)
Current Technical Setups On The Emini S&P

This is where trading skills are very important. It is likely that the technical picture could evolve multiple times before we get a clear movement. Steadfastly sticking to an opinion even though the technicals change in a new direction is a recipe for eventual losses. (more)
King World News Interviews James Turk
click here for audio
Suiting Up for a Post-Dollar World
The global financial crisis is playing out like a slow-moving, highly predicable stage play. In the current scene, Western governments are caught between the demands of entitled welfare beneficiaries and the anxiety of bondholders who fear they will be stuck with the bill. As the crisis reaches an apex, prime ministers and presidents are forced into a Sophie's choice between social unrest and bankruptcy. But with the "Club Med" economies set to fall like dominoes, the US Treasury market is not yet acting the role we would have anticipated.
Our argument has always been that the US benefits from its reserve-currency status, allowing it to accumulate unsustainable debts for an unusually long period without the immediate repercussions of inflation or higher borrowing costs. But this false sense of security may be setting us up for a truly monumental crash. (more)
Here Comes The Recession

Quickly, I will be on Larry Kudlow's show next Tuesday, which is at 7 pm Eastern. Larry has promised that we will spend some quality time on some of the current issues facing us. See you there! And now, let's jump in.
The Risk of Recession
I am on record as saying I think there is a 50-50 chance we slip back into recession in 2011, as I think the economy will soften in the latter half of the year and a large tax increase in 2011 (from the expiring Bush tax cuts) will tip us into recession. (more)