Derek Webb, Chairman and CIO, Webb Asset Management, shares his top picks.
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The Fed announced yesterday that it would purchase $600 billion in Treasury securities in a statement that left open the possibility of the real cost rising much higher.
“The Committee will regularly review the pace of its securities purchases and the overall size of the asset-purchase program in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.” the statement read. (more)
Rare earths have gotten a lot of attention lately. Deservedly so, as you’ll see. This creates some opportunity for nimble speculators. Let’s take a look…
Last month, China cut its shipments of rare earth exports to Japan. China and Japan have a maritime spat going on and this ban is probably fallout from that. In any event, the ban alarmed Japanese manufacturers who depend on China for rare earths.
The term “rare earths” refers to a group of obscure minerals, such as cerium, rhodium and neodymium. They are critical to a host of cutting-edge technologies. We use them in everything from hybrid cars to low-energy light bulbs. They are also used in all kinds of electronics, from cell phones to laptops. You’ll also find rare earths in batteries, polished glass, exhaust systems and more.
Japan makes all these things. In fact, it is the world’s largest consumer of rare earths. China is the world’s largest producer of rare earths, with 95% of the market. So you can see this is a match up of heavyweights. (more)
Who you vote for is your business. But when it comes down to what you should vote for, I have a few things to say on the subject.
I’m talking about the way that we all conduct our personal investment portfolios, as well as the goods and services we buy. I’ve long believed that these everyday activities are a much more important ongoing vote than any one you cast into a ballot box. And today, there’s one vote you should be making above all others.
Because right now, as I write this letter, Ben Bernanke and dozens of other un-elected bureaucrats are deciding how much they want to devalue the dollar.
The mainstream media calls it Quantitative Easing, and whether it’s a $100 billion drop in the bucket, or a $5 trillion printing bonanza, we know what it means in the long run. (more)
Commodities remain in the spotlight because the Fed's asset purchases will put pressure on an the already weak U.S. dollar. Since commodities are priced in dollars around the world, a lower greenback makes it cheaper for foreign investors to buy.
"The Fed is basically printing money with these purchases, which weighs heavily on the dollar," said Carlos Sanchez, precious metals analyst at CPM Group. "This is what the commodity market wanted."
Crude oil for December delivery hit a six-month intraday high Thursday, rising above $86 a barrel for the first time since May 3. (more)
The Dow Jones industrial average reached its highest point in more than two years, and stocks surged from Tokyo to London.
Elsewhere around the world, economic dominoes began to fall: The dollar sank. Oil prices surged. And Asian countries raised fears that their currencies would rise relative to the dollar, making their exports more expensive.
And some fretted about the prospect of financial instability in Asia and other regions. But stock investors, at least, celebrated the Fed's move.
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said the bond purchases would drive down interest rates on mortgages and other borrowing. That could get individuals and businesses to borrow and spend and aid a U.S. economy stuck with 9.6 percent unemployment. (more)