The one-two punch of Mario Draghi’s ECB announcement with the Fed’s
“we’re going to raise rates in December we promise!” statement
contributed in part to big price moves and short-term trend reversals in
all main markets we follow.
Let’s take a quick snapshot of today’s Money Flow grid across six (futures) markets:

Fundamental news and Central Bank policies aside, let’s focus on the knee-jerk reactions in today’s market.
First, stock prices collapsed, continuing their sell-signal down away from 2,100 (@ES top left chart).
The Dollar Index (@DX – middle right chart) collapsed today, falling from divergences against resistance.
The sudden intraday collapse in the US Dollar instantly boosted most commodities including Gold and Oil.
Chart Gold (@GC) in the upper right and Oil (@CL) in the middle left chart.
The movements here aren’t as dramatic as other markets, as these moves are currently counter-trend retracements.
Finally we see the Euro (@EC bottom right) surging at the same time the Dollar collapsed.
Perhaps the most surprising development today is the instant collapse
in Treasury prices as seen via the 10-Year Treasury Note (@TY – lower
In sum, we have the Euro surging while commodities rally; US Stocks,
the US Dollar, and the US 10-Year Treasury Note collapsed intraday.