/ By Karl Denninger / April 3, 2013, 09:14
The screeching coming from CNBS and elsewhere this morning is amusing.
There’s only one chart that matters, and it will, when recognized, blow up the stock market — sending it down 50% or more.
It’s this one:
That’s it. And the ADP report this morning is showing the pathway to recognition, as construction has stalled and the destruction of job creation in small and mid-sized businesses exposed to Obamacare will finish it off.
continue to maintain that we’re in a time very similar to 2007, when
the facts were on the table. Banks paying dividends with money they
didn’t have. Hedge funds that blow. Bubbles in crazy places, then
housing, this time in subprime car lending, student loans and even
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Doug: I think this could be the spark that ignites the keg of dynamite under the current financial system. All banks, all around the world, are bankrupt, and have been for years. That’s because all the world’s banks run on a fractional reserve basis.
L: I know what you mean, but we should spell that out: by law and backed with government guarantees, banks only have to keep a tiny fraction of the money people deposit on hand. They lend out the vast bulk of it, and in even in good times, they could not return all depositors’ money at once, since loans cannot be called in instantaneously, and most would be defaulted on if they were. In bad times, the charade is even more hollow, since many loans that banks are currently owed will never ever get paid.
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