As the ETF industry has expanded at a breakneck pace in recent years, keeping track of all the products out there has become no easy task. There are now well more than 1,000 exchange-traded products included in the
ETF Screener, and many of those have hit the market in the last two to three years.
As ETFs have attracted billions of dollars in cash inflows, it has primarily been the well-established, plain vanilla products that have demonstrated the most impressive growth. Part of that is no doubt because many of the new funds launched in recent years have been targeted in on very specific corners of the investable universe or utilized advanced screening methodologies to select individual holdings, making them useless to investors with a long-term focus. But some of the more recent additions to the ETF lineup include products that should be considered as “building blocks” of long-term, buy-and-hold portfolios.
Below, we profile ten ETFs that should be on the radar screen of every financial advisor out there, but that most money managers have probably never heard of. These ETFs aren’t necessarily “buys” in the current environment, and some of them may be completely inappropriate for certain clients and return objectives. But the unique exposure offered by these funds can’t be found anywhere else, and could be valuable additions to any advisor’s toolkit: (more)