Our guest today is Jay Silverman, a leading biotechnology sector analyst and editor of The Medical Technology Stock Letter.
He updates us on the acquisition of one of his long-standing
recommendations, the impact of this deal on the biotech space, and a
trio of additional ideas for long-term investors to consider.
Steven Halpern: Our guest today is Jay Silverman,
biotechnology sector analyst and editor of The Medical Technology Stock
Letter. How are you doing today, Jay?
Jay Silverman: I’m great, Steve. Thanks a lot.
Steven Halpern: Well, first off, kudos are in order. In previous conversations with MoneyShow, you’ve highlighted Pharmacyclics (PCYC)
as one of your favorite biotech investments, and, in fact, have
recommended the stock several times for our listeners at prices around
$100 a share. Now the stock is about $250. Could you update our
listeners on the developments and what caused the sharp price increase? (more)
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Eric King: “David, we’re going to take a trip down the rabbit hole of something that’s quite terrifying for people. You’ve read the interviews from King World News with James Turk. He spoke about the ECB and bankrupt Western governments stealing people’s money right out of the banks. This has already unfolded in Cyprus.
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