Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Could America go broke?
Goldman left foreign investors holding the subprime bag
The Sept. 26, 2006, document offered sophisticated U.S. and European investors an opportunity to buy into a pool of supposedly high-grade bonds backed by residential, commercial and student loans. The transaction was registered through a shell company in the Cayman Islands.
Few of the potential investors knew it, but the ratings of many of the mortgage securities hid their true risks and, in some cases, Goldman's descriptions exaggerated their quality. (more)
Jonathan May, Economic Hitman
White House Quietly Working To Weaken Investor Protection
IMF Sells Gold to India, First Sale in Nine Years

The transaction, equivalent to 8 percent of global annual mine production, involved daily sales from Oct. 19-30 at market prices and is in the process of being settled, the IMF said in a statement yesterday. The average price to India, the biggest consumer, was about $1,045 an ounce, an IMF official said on a conference call. Gold for immediate delivery gained 0.2 percent.
“The fall in the U.S. dollar seems to be pushing all the central banks to strengthen their portfolio with gold,” said N.R. Bhanumurthy, professor at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy in New Delhi. “Gold is a safe store of value compared to the U.S. dollar.” (more)
Author Says G-20 Meeting in Scotland this Week about Dumping U.S. Dollar
Estulin maintains that if the co-conspirators succeed, such sudden devaluation of the US dollar would result in the sinking of the world economy through a chain-reaction collapse of the entire world’s financial system. As discussed during the Bilderberg Group’s super-secret conclave back in May, this breakdown would then be used as an excuse to launch a new world monetary system. G20 leaders are aware that those who run the monetary markets, the monetary system, control the world. That is why today, the world is run through a dominant one-currency monetary system and not by national credit systems. (more)
Bankruptcy Filings to Match Divorce Filings in 2009: 1.5 Million. 35.8 Million Americans on Food Stamps

Tice: S&P 500 Will Drop 60 Percent
David Tice, the famous stock bear at Federated Investors, predicts that the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index will drop more than 60 percent — to 400.
He told Bloomberg that the recent 60 percent rally has gone too far.
“It’s gotten very overbought,” Tice said. “There’s been a huge shift from negative to positive sentiment. We think a lot of the positive numbers coming out are really not very good underneath.”
As for the S&P 500, “We believe the market won’t bottom until it gets to a 400 level. Will it take three, six, nine months to get there? Probably. The market will generally overshoot fair value.” (more)