There is a lot of appeal for low priced stocks to individual investors. Just from a feel good point of view, it can be more satisfying to buy 500 shares of a $10 stock than 66 shares of a $75 per share stock, even if your outlay is pretty much the same. Besides the satisfaction of owning a lot of shares, there are some valid total-return focused reasons for investors to seek out low priced stocks. (more)
Please share this article / April 23, 2015
Today the man who remarkably predicted the collapse of the euro against the Swiss franc warned King World News that the world is in for another major surprise.
Egon von Greyerz: “There is clearly apathy in the gold market now. Gold has essentially gone sideways for the last couple of years. Gold was at these levels in June of 2013. So for two years gold has been trading sideways with some volatility….
Continue reading the Egon von Greyerz interview below…