Uranium is an area that investors have mostly stayed away from over the
last few years. The media doesn't like talking about it either. How many
articles or T.V. spots do you see regarding the uranium trade these
days? This is very different than late 2010 and early 2011 when uranium
was the hot place to be and the cool thing to talk about. The stocks in
that space were doubling and tripling in just a few months. But then
came the Fukushima Tsunami in March of 2011 that sent the entire Uranium
sector tumbling down. They all crashed, losing 60-80%.
studied market crashes of all kinds going back a hundred years. The
common denominator in all of their recoveries is time. How much time
depends on the nature of the decline, and ensuing market reaction. In
the case of uranium, we've seen a very healthy sideways consolidation
over the past several years. A good example of that is Cameco
Corporation (CCJ),
which is the "Exxon Mobil" of the uranium space. Over the last 3 years,
the stock has traded in a sideways range putting together a nice base
to potentially explode out of this year. I think it happens soon,
setting this sector up to be one of the hottest places to be in 2014. (more)
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“First of all, the country of Niger, in Africa, which provides 7% of the world’s uranium, shut off all production in December. It has not been resumed. The company running these operations is AREVA, the French mining company.
The French government has really been holding a gun to the company’s heads, and they want them to pay massively high royalties that don’t make any sense, and would make the two mines they run unprofitable. So it’s a bit of a standoff and as a result it’s just shut down. So there has been no activity there whatsoever. Again, that’s 7% of the world’s uranium supply which is offline.
Keith Barron continues @ KingWorldNews.com