By Money Morning Staff Reports
Famed economist Marc Faber appeared on Bloomberg TV with a harsh, direct warning to investors.
"U.S. monetary policies will destroy the world," he said, referring to
the new round of stimulus - QE3, or "QE Forever" - the Fed plans to
launch this year.
As the publisher of the influential Gloom Boom & Doom
report, Faber is well-known for making ominous predictions. Many
regard him as the first to warn investors to get out of the stock
market one week before the October 1987 crash.
And since the 2008 meltdown, he's been a fierce critic of the Fed's
policy of money printing, arguing it only creates a phony recovery.
So it wasn't surprising to hear him speak out against Bernanke's most recent stimulus plan, quantitative easing or QE3.
What was surprising - and frightening - was the level of wealth-destruction he believes will occur.
According to Faber, "eventually we will have a systematic crisis and everything will collapse." (more) / By Bob Bauman / September 26, 2012
If you’re waiting for a problem to start knocking – whether it’s an individual litigant or the U.S. government itself – it’s already too late. The best time for asset protection is long before a problem arrives.
Right now, like it or not, problems are heading straight up your driveway and your front door is within easy reach.
Through taxation and regulation, the U.S. government has stepped up attacks on our wealth. Eager to avoid dealing with our fundamental fiscal issues, our politicians will continue to dig deeper into our pockets to grab every penny they can, no matter who wins the upcoming election.
At the same time, a bad economy is making more people lawsuit-happy. Does your neighbor have a petty grievance against you and your barking dog? You’d better take that complaint seriously … anyone with money (even people of moderate wealth) can become a target.
As sovereign individuals, we understand these trends and guard against them. Wisely, we choose where we place our assets and identify places where we can find safety and privacy guaranteed by law.
For true security, we require a system that also guarantees maximum possible legal tax avoidance, the highest possible financial privacy, the strongest asset protection and access to the most profitable investments available worldwide.
Fortunately, there is one legal device that does all of this: the offshore Asset Protection Trust (APT).
The idea of setting up an offshore APT may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be a complicated process. In some of my favorite offshore havens, you can lay the groundwork for a solid asset-protection strategy in just three days.