Saturday, February 1, 2014

Video: Charles Nenner Sees Long-Term Gold Entry Point Starting In March/April

Mike Norman, Hard Assets Investor (Norman): Hello everybody, and welcome to I’m Mike Norman, your host. My guest today is Charles Nenner, head of Charles Nenner Research, the firm that bears his name. Charles, thanks very much for coming on the show.

Charles Nenner, head, Charles Nenner Research (Nenner): You’re welcome.

Norman: You were formerly an analyst at Goldman Sachs. You went off and started your research company. You have a very unique analytical perspective. You use a lot of cycles or, I guess, human emotion, sentiment, market psychology, investor psychology in what you do. Why don’t we break it down—it’s the beginning of 2014; let’s look at what you see in the major markets—metals, oil, stocks, bonds, the economy. Why don’t you take it from there.

Nenner: Well, the economy I kind of like, may be surprising. I think it’s going to pick up this year. It’s going to be pretty stable, which will bring interest rates higher, but not very high. It’s not that really you will have a spike, now, starting interest rates going up. (more)

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