Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What Socialism Destroyed – Gov’t Shutdown

Roosevelt Baking Cartoon
The U.S. government began to shut down for the first time in 17 years early Today, after a bitterly divided Congress over Obamacare defunding failed to reach any agreement as expected. What must be stated openly is that the “New Deal” of Roosevelt has actually destroyed the very fabric that formed society that nobody wants to look at no less discuss.

For centuries, people had children to provide for their own retirement. Family units were the social structure. The sad part of socialism is how this family unit was fundamentally destroyed by socialism. Once social security was created, children were relieved of the burden of taking care of their parents – that became government’s job. People were told to save conservatively. They salted away money often in government bonds. Now government has been so fiscally irresponsible, they have to keep interest rates low not to stimulate the economy, but to control their own perpetual deficits.  (more)
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