Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Alliance Fiber Optic Products Inc. (Nasdaq: AFOP): Get 300% Gains In UHDTV Industry?

They used to call it dark fiber...

It was the 1990s. Telecom firms plowed billions into fiber optic networks to prepare for the coming explosion in traffic for the web, wireless systems, and computer networks.

Turns out, the supposed "gold rush" was just a few years ahead of its time. So, much of the fiber optic systems sat unused. They were quite literally dark - no light, no data, was shining down the high-speed cables.

But quietly over the past few months, the fiber-optic sector has hit critical mass.
It's lit up like never before.

Consider that one small-cap leader has already handed savvy broadband investors gains of nearly 300% over the past year.  (more)

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