Friday, April 19, 2013

Economic Armageddon Is Imminent: If you knew that paper monies all around the world were to collapse, what action would represent your best option

George Soros knows something dreadful is coming. The Rockefellers know something big and bad is about to happen. That something big is the imminent collapse of all fiat, paper money currencies around the world. In their secret Bilderberg meetings, the globalists have positively planned the exact date of our financial demise. You can even bet the next “black whatever day” will coincide with an ironic date which will make the globalists chuckle at the planned inception of next false flag event. You remember when the globalist minions crashed planes into the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. The globalists planned a 911 event on 9/11. Get it? LOL!!!  Three thousand dead means nothing to the globalists.   
Nobody else but these psychopathic criminals, will be laughing when they roll out their financial collapse plan. And unfortunately, you and I do not have a seat at the table so we have no insider information to gauge when the financial collapse is coming. Just like 1929, most of us will have the lion’s share of our liquid assets (e.g. cash) in their criminal banks when the collapse occurs. However, there are some things that we can all watch out for.

Timing Is Everything

Although most of us do not have insider information there are indeed some tell tale signs that we can look for what could serve as warnings as to when the collapse will occur. It is more accurate to expect the collapse to be hinged on events rather than trying to pick a date on the calendar. (more)
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