Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Embry – I Believe Global Silver Stockpiles Are Now Exhausted

from KingWorldNews:
Today John Embry told King World News that “… when silver truly surges it will leave market participants speechless.” But first, here is what Embry, who is chief investment strategist at Sprott Asset Management, had to say regarding the US debt and gold: “Something that caught my eye over the weekend was the temporary removal of the debt limit in the United States. In the month of February the US federal debt increased $254 billion. That’s in just one month.
Now if you go back to when Ronald Reagan was elected President 32 years ago, the fact is there was less than $1 trillion worth of debt accumulated in the previous 190 years. So in one month the US chalked up 25% of what it took 187 years to accumulate…”
John Embry continues @ KingWorldNews.com
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