Monday, February 11, 2013

50 Jaw-Dropping Pharmaceutical, Biotech, and Life Science Statistics

Without question, I understand how intimidating the pharmaceutical, biotech, and life science sector can be for those without a background in science. If it's not the science and discovery process itself, or the cross-company collaborations, simply trying to accurately spell or pronounce experimental drug names will almost certainly send most investors running for the hills.

But, the pharmaceutical, biotech, and life science sectors are a booming industry rife with big investment dollars, a steady history of growth, and life-changing attributes. Too many investors keep health-care companies out of their portfolio because they're simply afraid of getting their feet wet in a sector that's proven time and again that it can deliver for shareholders in a big way.

With that in mind -- and with many of you aware that I love making lists -- I prepared a list of 50 jaw-dropping pharmaceutical, biotech, and life science statistics that I suspect will excite and amuse those of you who are borderline health-care investors and, if anything, should spur you to put at least a few health-care companies on your radar. (more)

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1 comment:

  1. An excellent compilation of little-known health care companies making unique innovations in pharmaceutical and biotech areas. I am sure they will be on the radar for a few savvy investors.
