Friday, January 25, 2013

the Ultimate "Doomsday Portfolio"

We've managed to avoid the great Mayan prediction of the end of the world in 2012, along with countless doomsday prognostications before it. But while we shrug off the continued calls that some people still predict about the end of the world, it's undeniable there are good reasons investors should have a "doomsday portfolio" to protect them from catastrophic losses.
I'm not talking about the end of times, though. In the event of runaway asteroids or "the second coming," saving for your golden years will be the least of your worries.  
But I'm also not talking about simply a global malaise in economic growth or the gradual loss of purchasing power in the U.S. dollar, either.
I'm talking about a quick collapse of order -- a collapse of faith in our institutions and a resulting widespread loss in financial assets.
And if you think this could never happen, then think again.
Hurricane Katrina destroyed more than $60 billion in economic value and led to massive looting and a surge in energy prices. The "once-in-a-century" disaster was followed just seven years later by Hurricane Sandy, which caused damage that may cost up to $50 billion. 

Officials in Japan have found radioactive material in produce up to 200 miles from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.  (more)

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