from The Economic Collapse Blog:
In the financial world, the month of October is synonymous with stock
market crashes. So will a massive stock market crash happen this year?
You never know. The truth is that our financial system is even more
vulnerable than it was back in 2008, and financial experts such as Doug
Short, Peter Schiff, Robert Wiedemer and Harry Dent are all warning that
the next crash is rapidly approaching. We are living in the greatest
debt bubble in the history of the world and Wall Street has been
transformed into a giant casino that is based on a massive web of debt,
risk and leverage. When that web breaks we are going to see a stock
market crash that is going to make 2008 look like a Sunday picnic. Yes,
the Federal Reserve has tried to prevent any problems from erupting in
the financial markets by initiating another round of quantitative easing,
but 40 billion dollars a month will not be nearly enough to stop the
massive collapse that is coming. This will be explained in detail
toward the end of the article. Hopefully we will get through October
(and the rest of this year) without seeing a stock market collapse, but
without a doubt one is coming at some point. Those on the wrong end of
the coming crash are going to be absolutely wiped out.
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