Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Gerald Celente: “Tidal Wave” of Investors Coming to Gold

wealthwire.com / by Brittany Stepniak

Renowned financial trends forecaster Gerald Celente grimly states that each new day presents a new catastrophe. Everyday, politicians and central bankers say the crisis must me mended as the entire financial system lies on the verge of collapse.

With each passing day, an increased number of smart investors opt for gold because of the wild volatility elsewhere. The eurozone crisis has sparked a coming tidal wave of investors expected to enter the gold markets in the coming weeks and months.

Greece may leave the eurozone, Spain just gained $125 from the “Spailout”, and the trillions of dollars of debt remain…it’s a bleak outlook for sure.

China is preparing for a Greece euro exit and just lowered their interest rates for the first time since the financial meltdown of 2008. It is also about to replace India as the largest gold market with demand expected to increase by 30% in 2012. Individuals and nations alike are doing the best they can to be as financially savvy as possible in these deeply uncertain times.


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