Monday, June 18, 2012

Bank Runs to Start in America soon - James Wesley Rawles

Bank Runs to start soon in America just after the Euro collapses which it very likely will , get all of your saving out of the banks and hide them somewhere where only you and some family knows the whereabouts says James Wesley Rawles,the banks own just two cents for each dollar they allegedly have in deposit , America has already been looted.And Fort Knox is empty is my guess. Everything is owned by banks while people rent.Businesses are corporate owned by 50 to 1.Citizens are worthless to Big Corporation America.There is a huge privatized prison trained poor population waiting to loot in every city.Created by your tax dollars. Remember when Bush sent troops to protect the really rich in Katrina?Same will happen country wide nothing protected but the SUPER RICH of communities.These gangs of government created non violent offender at first victims will pillage.Watch some prison life documentaries and see who resides close by. Welcome to the reservation.

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