Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lindsey Williams : The Secrets of the Elite 2012

(Lindsey williams - proof Negative Show - 14 March 2012 ) is back with some more insights from his elite friends , some of the key points, are : in order to understand the elite's mind set you need to listen to the buzz words in this case the 'derivatives' which will bring the total collapse of the financial system and the death of the US Dollar by the end of 2012 , this does not mean that the dollar won't be existent, it means that it will lose most of its purchasing power (due to hyperinflation) there will be no shortages of food but the prices will be sky-high , prepare for $6 or $7 gas a gallon , Saudi Arabia is building the biggest oil refinery in world's history in china and soon it will be selling its oil to china without using the petro dollar aka the US dollar this will precipitate the death of the US Dollar


  1. If this is really true and If Lindsey Williams was really interested in the American people he would post his DVD on the internet for a free download.

    It would appear he is sensationalist interested only in making money. He must be a millionaire by now after 35 years...

    Sorry, but those are my thoughts...

    Tom McKinney

    1. I think it's ridiculous you take donations from people from your church. If you really trusted in God you would do it for free.

      It's like you want a operation that pays for itself like Lindsey Williams that has to pay for studio time and a crew to film it. That's 10's of thousands of dollars each time he does it. How dare he recoup his costs, but I believe you should receive donations from your church family and take from some of the poorer in the congregation that believe that you are a missionary and not someone that complains on websites about what other missionary's are doing.

    2. Everyone is always looking for a handout.. The bible teaches to pay the person who gives wisdom and knowledge. Doing business is good in gods eyes.

  2. His DVDs ARE posted on youtube stupid.

  3. There are freely available copies of his previous DVDs. I have been following him for years, and everything that he said is the truth. At first I was skeptical, but now I listen to everything he says!

  4. I've been following lindsey williams for years, initially I was skeptical but now he is all that I follow

  5. I back up the people who said about the DVD's are true they are NOT COPYRIGHTED! You can upload them if bought them on DVD's. He does not make "HUGE" profit he covers the cost of putting it on DVD's & shipping. I do not blame him for little profit to make a living but use common sense it is not CopyRighted! I hear him say before please I beg of you copy this DVD & give it to friends. FACT!
