Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Devaluation and Fight for Survival of the American Middle Class – How Three Decades has Shifted the Concentration of Financial Wealth to the top 1

The American middle class ideal is lionized around the world. It is the core of what has made this country great. The land of opportunity and endless wealth so long as people worked hard enough. It was an implicit contract workers made with this country. Well that vision is now quickly coming under attack by the corporate structure with banks being the main culprits leading the American middle class to the edge of financial ruin. The average American is looking at their current economy and wondering what ever happened to the security that was once provided to the “greatest generation” era. The Wall Street crowd after devouring their bailouts is telling Americans that this is simply how the market corrects. Yet at the same time, they are offering record bonuses to their elite. The same banking crowd that led this country to the financial edge is now rewarding itself with massive bonuses (taxpayer funded) while jobs are being lost and no industry is emerging to provide work to the middle class. As tough as it may be for many to swallow we are in a class warfare struggle. That is why you are seeing populist rage growing in both of our entrenchment political parties. (more)

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