Saturday, July 30, 2011
Is Synergy Pharma (SGYP) the next "TEN BAGGER" ?

Soros: Gold, Dollar Collapse and NWO
Maybe this all seems like far away and little consequence to you. Probably sitting in front of the computer now, over in USA several thousand miles away. Well, then you probably should check this video
Before Argentina collapsed financially in 2002 the IMF along with the help of corrupt local politicians including the ex-president Carlos Menem and former minister of economic( from Harvard), Domingo Cavallo, buried the country in public debt and then forced the selling of national assets including oil, airlines and other state owned companies. After the country was left in ruins a man named George Soros moved in and bought huge amounts of land and producing capital, becoming the largest holder of land for beef production, as well as soy bean plantation and the largest owner of processed daily production companies. George Soros was no stranger to Argentina and other emerging markets like Brazil, but his financial movements have always been… lets just call them, extremely well timed. Soros owned lots of real estate in Argentina during the 90’s some of the most significant buildings and shopping malls. He sold them right before the economic collapse and then moved back to buy land and property after the devaluation. Since he already knew where the country was going he also speculated with Argentine debt when it collapsed. Soros owns massive amounts of lands in Uruguay and Argentina as well. His objective? “Our mission is to become leading food and agricultural company in the planet”
Sound Familiar with the circumstances that we are witnessing in America today? Listen to the Video again and you may be able to figure out George Soro's plan for destroying America. Gold is a huge part of the New World Order Plan, Soro's openly discusses this in the video, too.
Please pass this link on to everyone you can, Obama is Soro's boy. Do you doubt that? Read more facts below.
In April 2005, Soros got together in a secretive meeting (called “the Phoneix Group” ) with about 70 other like-minded elite rich left leaning Democrats. The purpose of this meeting was to see what they would do about the US political situation in the next 5 years. Soros donated $23,581,000 to various “527” groups dedicated to defeating President Bush.( A 527 group is a type of American tax-exempt organization named after a section of the United States tax code, 26 U.S.C. § 527. This party within the Democratic party became known as the “Shadow Party”, these guys, billionaires in the financial and tech sector, support politicians of their choosing through direct donations (as large as legally possible) and through their foundations and non profit orgnaizations, such as moveon dot org. The rabbit hole goes on with implications on how to handle the media so as to change people’s opinion, get reporters, journalists and why not celebrities in their pockets.
When the anti-Bush campaign failed, Soros secretively gathered with other like minded elite so as to decide what to do next. A young charismatic Obama was chosen as the focus of their new efforts. Not only with the largest possible legal donation but using other channels as well, including what may have been millions of $25 private donations. When you hear for example that 90% of the donations to the Clinton Foundation comes from $250 donors, these are the things you don’t see due to its lack of transparency. www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=98467642
People think its Bob and Jane selling pies to send 250 bucks to Hillary because they just like her, when in reality its 10.000 x250 donations by the same person, or 31 millions from a uranium mining company owner in Kazakhstan. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Foundation
But what about the IMF? And the World Bank? What’s that got to do with all this?
Its all the same old buddies, scratching each other´s back, supporting one another’s foundations or charities or whatever legal structure they are using.
If USA ever ends up like Argentina, it will be because its orchestrated that way, because that’s exactly what these men want. And they are saying so as clearly as possible.
Prepare as well as you can. Without panicking, without going nuts and hiding under your bed or running for the hills, but fully understanding that things have already changed and will keep changing, sometimes not for good.
Gold could top US$2,500 an ounce and might even hit US$5,000, says Citigroup
Sovereign debt worries here in Europe and in the US could push the gold price up to US$2,500 an ounce, and possibly even as high as US$5,000 ounce, according to research from Citigroup.
Today gold is changing hands at over US$1,600 an ounce as investors beat a retreat into a safe-haven “hard asset”.
And analyst Heath Jansen likens the current, seemingly inexorable rise of precious metal to the bull run of the 1970s and 1980s.
“When investors are hungry for gold, the metal has a habit of rising exponentially which has no parallel amongst metals,” he said in a note to clients.
“While base metals still have to adhere to some form of analysis along the lines of “supply less demand = inventory”, gold has decades of inventory lying in Central Banks and so that consideration doesn’t enter the equation, unless banks wish to sell that inventory.
“The last time they did that, and swapped their hard-asset gold for cash, it turned out to be the wrong option.
We do not believe that they will go that route in a hurry again. In fact, we believe it is that hard-lesson learned which makes them even more keen holders of gold and this has tightened up the market significantly.
“Added to that, equity investors nowadays often express dissatisfaction when gold companies hedge their gold and so that big negative, prominent in the nineties, has also been removed.
He singles out Randgold (LON:RRS) as its favoured equity play in the sector and jumps on the apparent disconnect between the lacklustre valuations of the miners and the precious metal’s sparkling performance on the commodities market.
“On a worst-case scenario for Euro sovereign debt and USA fiscal problems, we believe gold could repeat the extent of the 1970-1980 gold bull market, implying upside-risk to above $2500 an ounce,” Jansen added.
“A short-term (but not long lasting) large spike in gold is still possible in our view. We would now rate that probability as above 25 per cent, up from below 5 per cent just weeks ago (because of increased sovereign financial issues), and growing.”
This in turn ought to give a significant boost to the UK gold producers, which have underperformed the gold price and global gold equities.
The reason for this underperformance is put down to company-specific factors. For example, Randgold derives 20 per cent of its asset value from the Ivory Coast, which Jansen describes as a “tense political geography”.
Centamin (LON:CEY) and European Goldfields (LON:EGU) are discounted for the tough backdrop in Egypt and Greece respectively, while Tanzania is the major drag on African Barrick Gold (LON:ABG), he adds.
“These issues have contributed to the UK gold miners’ underperformance against the gold price and global gold equities,” Jansen explained.
“It also appears that investors do not view the current gold price as sustainable and are therefore not factoring current prices into the earnings estimates of the gold miners.
“However, based on the analysis presented in this note on the direction and magnitude of possible gold price movements, there could well be a swathe of earnings upgrades to come and a corresponding share price reaction, should gold prices maintain current strong levels or rise even further.”
Jansen even runs scenarios where the gold price could conceivably go to US$3,800 or US$5,000.
“It is difficult to argue that gold is going to $5,000 an ounce on the basis of equivalence with the seventies bull market. However the drivers are the same – the debasement of fiat currencies as a store of value and fear over the outlook for the global economy,” the analyst said.
“Given the historical role of gold as a storage of wealth, perceived devaluation in the purchasing power of fiat currencies translates into demand for the what is essentially the ultimate global reserve currency. It is not illogical then, to ask what conditions are needed to drive gold up to and even past this level.”
Citi’s is the latest in a long list of research which looks at the gold price and the underperformance of stocks in the sector.
Earlier this week, Investec’s Mark Heyhoe released ‘buy’ recommendations on a number of gold miners that have not been hitting the mark operationally, but are now expected to catch up.
They included Randgold, African Barrick Gold, European Goldfields and Centamin Egypt.
The analyst said: “We have a positive outlook on all companies, but stress that each company offers its own particular attraction to investors.”
Before that heavyweight Bank of America Merrill Lynch said it believes that bullion prices are sustainable between $1,500-2,000 an ounce in the medium term.
Like Investec, Merrill said there is ‘compelling scope’ for catch up trade for a number of gold plays.
Its favourite ‘buys’ are Centamin, Petropavlovsk (LON:POG), African Barrick, Randgold, and European Goldfields.
Ambrian Capital’s Duncan Hughes singles out Avocet Mining (LON:AVM) as his top pick in the gold sector.
Among the small-caps Archipelago Resources (LON:AR.), Condor Resources (LON:CNR), Hambledon Mining (LON:HMB), Mwana Africa (LON:MWA), Nyota Minerals (LON:NYO) and Vatukoula Gold Mines (LON:VGM), catch his eye
Gold Seasonality: A Reversal After The Debt Deal?
I have the impression that once this debt ceiling circus is over, gold will have the mother of all corrections.
Gerald Celente : the country is going bankrupt
The Economist Canada - 30th July-05th August 2011
Goldman Sachs stockpiling aluminum in Detroit warehouses, consumers allege Hunt Brothers scheme to corner market...
In a rundown patch of Detroit, enclosed by a cyclone fence and barbed wire, stands an unremarkable warehouse that investment bank Goldman Sachs has transformed into a money-making machine.
The derelict neighborhood off Michigan Avenue is a sharp contrast to Goldman's bustling skyscraper headquarters near Wall Street, but the two operations share one important element: management by the bank's savvy financial professionals.
A string of warehouses in Detroit, most of them operated by Goldman, has stockpiled more than a million tonnes of the industrial metal aluminum, about a quarter of global reported inventories.
Simply storing all that metal generates tens of millions of dollars in rental revenues for Goldman every year.
There's just one problem: only a trickle of the aluminum is leaving the depots, creating a supply pinch for manufacturers of everything from soft drink cans to aircraft.
The resulting spike in prices has sparked a clash between companies forced to pay more for their aluminum and wait months for it to be delivered, Goldman, which is keen to keep its cash machines humming and the London Metal Exchange (LME), the world's benchmark industrial metals market, which critics accuse of lax oversight. (more)
Insider selling and buying data can be tricky. In general, it’s noisy data to say the least and generally useless for various reasons. The few times when I’ve found that it becomes somewhat useful is when you track CFO data and outlier data. Yahoo Finance has an outlier for us. According to Argus Research insiders are selling at a 6.43:1 ratio which is higher than 95% of other weeks:
“One firm that gathers and analyzes the data is Argus Research, which publishes its findings in the Vickers Weekly Insider Report. One indicator that the firm calculates is a ratio of the number of shares that insiders have sold in the open market to the number that they have purchased.
In the week ending last Friday, according to the latest issue of the Vickers report, this sell-to-buy ratio stood at 6.43 to 1. This is higher than 95% of other weeks’ readings over the last decade.
That’s ominous enough, but consider last week’s sell-to-buy ratio for just those issues listed on the NYSE or AMEX. That came in at 13.10 to 1, which is the highest reading for this ratio since when Vickers began collecting the data, which was October 1974.”
Economic Contraction Has Caused Vehicle Traffic to Decline – Guess How Much?
The Depart of Transportation’s Federal Highway Commission has released the latest report on Traffic Volume Trends data through May. The lead observation is that travel on all roads and streets declined by -1.9% (-5.0 billion vehicle miles) for May 2011 as compared with May 2010. [Let's take a look at some graphs to illustrate the trend going back to 1971.] Words: 370
So says Doug Short (www.advisorperspectives.com) in edited excerpts from an article* which Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com (It’s all about Money!), has further edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and reformatted below for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement. Short goes on to say:
Here is a chart that illustrates this data series from its inception in 1970.
The Population-Adjusted Reality
Total Miles Driven, however, is one of those metrics that must be adjusted for population growth to provide the most revealing analysis, especially if we’re trying to understand the historical context. We can do a quick per-capita adjustment of the data using an appropriate population group as the divisor. I use the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Civilian Noninstitutional Population Age 16 and Over.
The next chart incorporates that adjustment with the growth shown on the vertical axis as the percent change from 1971.
Clearly, when we adjust for population growth, the Miles-Driven metric takes on a darker look. The nominal 39-month dip that began in May 1979 grows to 61 months, slightly more than five years. The trough was a 6% decline from the previous peak.
The population-adjusted all-time high dates from June 2005 which is 71 months — nearly six years – and since the latest data is the lowest reading since the all-time high, the best we can hope for is that May “might” have been the trough.