Saturday, May 25, 2024

GDX Gold Miners ETF stock gave a SELL signal on Thursday


GDX Gold Miners ETF stock gave a SELL signal on Thursday. 

The last 2 signals were profitable, will this be too?

Friday, May 24, 2024

Turning $1M Into $1B+: A Masterclass From The Indian Warren Buffett

Shaan Puri sits down with Mohnish Pabrai for a rare interview about value investing.

Mohnish is sometimes called the "Indian Warren Buffett" for his track record of value investing.  In this podcast they talk about how founders can become great investors, how to avoid big mistakes, and lessons learned from Buffett & Munger.

Show Notes:
(0:00) Intro
(1:41) Why entrepreneurs make the best investors
(4:40) How Warren Buffett’s pre-paid for his college education
(9:56) Becoming Ben Graham’s Protege
(13:57) What Buffett learned about branding from See’s Candies
(17:53) Buffett’s failed play to be a candy mogul
(20:54) Identifying offering gaps
(21:47) Getting an MBA at age 14 as the son of an entrepreneur
(26:12) The 3 tells of a future millionaire
(28:49) Mohnish builds his first product with maxed out credit cards at 24
(31:21) The 168 hour framework
(33:56) “Entrepreneurs do not take risks”
(36:10) How Richard Branson launches Virgin Atlantic with no money
(39:09) How 0.1 percent of the population owns 70 percent of all the motels in America
(43:45) The unfair advantage of being a low-cost producer
(44:49) How Mohnish turned his first million into $13M in 5 years
(48:18) Pabrai Funds grows to $600M in assets in less than 10 years
(49:42) What Mohnish knows about fundraising that we don’t
(55:46) Pivoting from tech investments in 1999 to value investments
(58:50) $2M lunch with Warren Buffett
(1:04:15) Be a harsh grader of people
(1:08:09) The Givers, The Takers, and The Matchers
(1:11:30) “Heads I win, tails I don’t lose much”
(1:16:41) Private markets v public auctions
(1:21:15) The #1 trait that makes a great investor
(1:22:50) What people of Reddit think of Mohnish Pabrai
(1:24:26) Starting capital, annual rate of return, length of runway
(1:25:04) The rule of 72
(1:26:03) “The most important rule in life is how long something takes to double”
(1:30:21) Circle the Wagons Philosophy
(1:32:14) Losing $3B in one unfortunate event
(1:37:34) Be fearful when the world is greedy; Be greedy when the world is fearful
(1:38:34) What a value investor thinks of bitcoin
(1:39:50) Nick Sleep bets
(1:52:49) The Best Of: Capital Allocators

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

FSLR First Solar Inc stock up 18% today, options went nuclear


FSLR First Solar Inc stock up 18% today, options went nuclear. The May '24 220 call was up 3285% today, and traded as high as $32.50. Yesterday it traded as low as 11 cents. Crazy returns!

MRNA Moderna stock was up 13% today, but some options went nuclear


MRNA Moderna stock was up 13% today, but some options went nuclear. The May'24 150 call went from 83 cents to a high of $15. On Friday it traded at 10 cents, and on May 10th it traded as low as 1 penny. Crazy! Want to see more stock and option charts?

Thursday, May 9, 2024

"You Need Two Years Of Food" - Martin Armstrong Warns "There Will Be Shortages" As 'Perfect Storm' Looms

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Via Greg Hunter’s,

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has new data on how well the Biden economy is doing.

Spoiler alert:  It’s not doing well, and the financial system is about to tank.  

I asked Armstrong if the US government could default on its debt if countries around the world continue to stop buying it?  Armstrong explained:

    “I think the US could default on its debt as early as 2025, but probably in 2027.

    We have kicked the can down the road as far as we can go.  

    It’s not just in the United States.  Europe is in the same boat.  So is Japan.  This is why they need war.

    They think by going into war, that’s the excuse to default on the debt.  They simply will not pay China.  If they try to sell their debt–good luck.  We are not redeeming it.  The same thing is happening in Europe.

    So, once that happens, you go into war, and that is their excuse on this whole debt thing to collapse, which wipes out pensions etc.  Then they can blame Putin.

    This is the same thing Biden was doing before saying this was Putin’s inflation.

    Then, with the whole CBDC thing (central bank digital currency) . . . .  the IMF has already completed its digital coin, and they want that to replace the dollar as the reserve currency for the world. . . . These people are desperately just trying to hang on to power.  Nobody wants to give it up, and nobody wants to reform.”

I asked Armstrong what should the common person be doing now?

Armstrong surprisingly said, “I think you need, safely, two years’ worth of food supply. . . .This is what I have.   It’s not just prices will go up, but mainly because there will be shortages.  Then, you do not know what they are going to do with the currency. . . . They will do whatever they have to do to survive.  That’s what governments always do.”

Armstrong says his most recent data suggests that government approval ratings in the USA are worse that Biden’s 8% approval rating.

Congress, according to Armstrong, is dragging the bottom with a 7% approval rating.

Armstrong has long said that people will buy gold and silver when faith in government crashes.

That is exactly what Armstrong is seeing around the world today.  Gold is bouncing around the $2,300 level, and Armstrong sees “a new gold and silver rally coming soon.”

War is also coming sooner than later with the announcement that Ukraine will be joining NATO as early as July.   When the next war starts, Armstrong warns,

    “You are going to have to watch the bank because long term interest rates are going to go up.  Nobody wants to buy government debt, and you are going to have to hunker down at that stage in the game.”

Armstrong is also predicting a big turn on or about this week.  Armstrong predicts a recession will start then and go on until 2028.

GDP will continue to fall, and inflation will continue to rise.

Armstrong says it is the perfect storm for a dreaded “stagflation economy.”

There is much more in the 54-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong, who will preview his “Mid-Year Seminar” in London May 24 & 25 for 5.4.24.