Friday, February 25, 2022

Meet The Man Who Creates Millionaire Traders, Mike Bellafiore


Mike Bellafiore is the Co-Founder of SMB Capital ( ). He's a trader, mentor, and business owner in the space we all love to play in. Bella shares what it takes to be a successful trader, how they evaluate new traders to help them grow into the next 8 figure trader in their firm, and many other helpful topics that will benefit all traders at every level. 


SMB Capital is a proprietary trading firm in which traders—for equities, options, and futures—are given the opportunity to be discretionary, automated, or hybrid traders (both discretionary and automated). Comprehensive training programs are available to help traders grow their trading business.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Charles Nenner speaks with Michael Douville Feb 21, 2022, Gold, Dow, S&P, Bitcoin, Lumber

On February 21, 2022, I had the pleasure of speaking with Charles Nenner. In the opening remarks, Dr. Nenner mentions the Equity Market is heading for a 'Situation" similar to Bonds. Both Markets are heading into turmoil. Charles Nenner displayed a Sunspot Chart that correlated amazingly well with the Stock markets and the Economy; when there is intense Sunspot activity, Stocks and the Economy do very well. Unfortunately, we are heading into a timeframe of reduced Electromagnetic intensity. The following charts further indicate the Equity Market may be heading into trouble. Commodities appear to be in a very favorable trend. In the opening remarks, Dr. Nenner also mentions Inflation could be 12 or 13%.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Seth Klarman - Investing Guide 2022 (Letter) + Top 10 Stocks

 Seth Klarman is one of the best value investors out there. Seth Klarman's letter is out discussing his Baupost Group investing strategy and top stocks positions. Seth Klarman has compounded at 20% per year for decades and thus is a value investor to listen to.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Where Can You Keep Your Assets from Canadian Government? Bob Hoye - Feb. 18, 2022


Edward Dowd – Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager – Pfizer & FDA Fraud, Financial Collapse Imminent

Edward Dowd is a member of the global investment community. He’s worked at and grown some of the finest firms on Wall Street, and is a former Blackrock Portfolio Manager. 

He joined me today to expose the clear Pfizer & FDA fraud that is taking place. Edward discusses how COVID-19 may have been used to cover global debt, and how he predicts a financial collapse is ahead of us. 

You can follow Edward’s socials on Twitter and Gettr

If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out, you can donate here


I just watched him interviewed on Alex and was blown away. I guess last week he was on Bannon’s show as well. It’s a must watch, he is a wall street insider who has lot’s to say about the course of the plandemic and where it’s going. Main point is they have been caught now and are cornered, they could get real dangerous now. The criminals are starting to act and look scared. He is a real nose to the ground observer. He has a lot to say, watch the lead in and then the rest. He says Wall Street is uncovering the fraud of big pharma and sees PFE going to 10 and MRNA to zero!

Put him on your twitter feed and Gettr…. @Dowdedward

Have to go to and look for it


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Ionq Inc (IONQ)


IONQ has recently just started a new up trend, confirmed by all indicators.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Total Collapse in Confidence of Government on Every Level

Spread the love

QUESTION: Greetings!
You have said “they” want the economy to turn down, this is their goal with all the lockdowns.
So now you say that if the economy has a low after Mars it will mean a decline into 2023.
Does this mean “they” are winning if this happens?


ANSWER: No. This is the most disastrous economic mess I think I have ever seen in history or my personal career. Here we have a collapse in the confidence of governments thanks to the COVID regulations. There is even confusion in businesses in NYC do they demand masks or is that now out completely? The WEF conspirators thought they would win. Just look at the Truckers who have brought Trudeau to his knees.

Biden and Western Leaders are begging Putin to PLEASE invade Ukraine. They now think this will provide the distraction they need to escape from their disastrous COVID scam that was the brainchild of the WEF and has FAILED to work.

Now, add to this mess, we are staring in the face of a total collapse in the confidence of central banks. They have nothing they can do about this type of inflation. Raising rates will have ZERO impact upon shortages other than making them worse. The Fed can keep raising rates until they hit 20%. All they will do is bankrupt more companies in the supply chain, bankrupt emerging markets, and in the end, the shortages will get far worse and prices will soar.

We are facing the total collapse of any confidence in government I suppose this is part of the computer warning that 2022 is a Panic Cycle Year in politics. Even the WEF crew has lost control. As an EXXON Gas Station boldly posted: “YOU ASSHOLES VOTED DEMOCRAT” and we now see what we will get when the only agenda is Climate Change.


Friday, February 11, 2022

END OF THE ROAD: How Money Became Worthless FULL DOCUMENTARY Financial Systems, Govt Control


Economical Documentary on the international financial system, Gold, Dollar, Money. 

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 In 2008 the world experienced one of the greatest financial turmoils in modern history. Markets around the world started crashing, stock prices plummeted, and major financial institutions, once thought to be invincible, started showing signs of collapse. Governments responded quickly, issuing massive bailouts and stimulus packages in an effort to keep the world economy afloat. 

While we’re told that these drastic measures prevented a total collapse of our system, a growing sense of unease has spread throughout the population. In the world of finance, indeed in all facets of modern life, cracks have started to appear. What lies ahead as a result of these bold ‘money printing’ measures? Was the financial crisis solved, or were the problems merely ‘kicked down the road?'

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Charles Nenner Research Interview - USA Watchdog January 26, 2022

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his cycle analysis shows the highs are in for the stock market, and it’s downhill from here—way downhill. Nenner’s analysis show major support was breached at the beginning of 2022. Nenner explains, “If it closes below the trend line, you better get out of the stock market, and it did. Now, in January, it has closed much lower that all the quarterly lows. This is not making lows on a daily chart but a quarterly chart, and that is much more important than short term. . . . I did a report about how many stocks are in an uptrend and how many stocks are in a down trend. I think 50% is already in a bear market. There are just a few stocks that are holding up the market, like . . . Microsoft, Apple, Google. I looked into what the earnings are . . . it was clear they are never going to sustain those prices. . . . I think 1% of the stocks are holding up 40% of the S&P. Once they give in, the markets goes down. A lot of people have already lost a lot of money because most stocks do not perform anymore. I think we are very close, and my target is still 5,000 (on the DOW). It seems very farfetched, but it you just do the math. . . . The media will not help you. They will invite you if you talk about markets going up because the companies that want to advertise with them want to sell. So, very few companies like to talk about stocks going up and do not care if it goes up or down. We just tell you the truth.” Nenner says he and his clients are out of the stock market since the first of the year. Nenner does cycle work for oil, the dollar, Bitcoin, interest rates and the bond market, to name a few. Nenner says interest rates have hit their lows and “are going up for the next thirty years.” Nenner thinks gold will be going up to at least $2,500 per ounce, but it has a short while before it starts moving up. Nenner says the only market investors should be long is the commodity markets. Commodities are going to go up for years to come, according to Nenner’s cycle work. No cycle is more important to Nenner these days than the “War Cycle.” Nenner does not see a war with Russia, but he expects after the Winter Olympics in China, things are going to turn dramatically more intense with the CCP. Nenner says, “I think the big problem after the Olympics is going to be China. . . . nobody is going to do anything against China, and I think they are going to take over Taiwan. If the West is going to fight, then we have major war.”

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Calling a Super Bubble: Front Row With Jeremy Grantham

For almost a half-century, value-investing icon Jeremy Grantham has been calling market bubbles. Now, he says U.S. stocks are in a “super bubble,” only the fourth in history, and poised to collapse. In this interview, Grantham, co-founder of Boston’s GMO, goes further, explaining his bubble analysis and discussing what he sees as multiple threats to the economy and the planet, including persistent inflation and climate change. He spoke exclusively with Erik Schatzker on Bloomberg’s “Front Row.”