Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pierre Lassonde’s Shocking Comments On Gold & Silver Plunge / November 5, 2014
On the heels of another plunge in the gold and silver markets, today legendary Pierre Lassonde stunned King World News when he openly discussed manipulation of the gold market.  Lassonde also spoke with KWN in great detail about the gold and silver smash and what he invested $10 million of his own money in today.  
Lassonde is arguably the greatest company builder in the history of the mining sector.  He is past President of Newmont Mining, past Chairman of the World Gold Council and current Chairman of Franco Nevada. 
Lassonde is one of the wealthiest, most respected individuals in the gold world, and as always King World News would like to thank him for sharing his wisdom with our global readers during this critical period in these markets. 
Lassonde:  “In terms of what’s happening, there is a battle between the deflationists and the inflationists.  Gold has always been an inflation hedge because it’s the anti-dollar.  The deflationists believe ther e is too much debt and it’s going to collapse in on everybody and we are going into a depression like the 1930s….
Continue reading the Pierre Lassonde interview below…
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