Thursday, June 5, 2014

David Stockman – This Meltdown Will Be More Violent Than 2008

from King World News
Today David Stockman warned King World News that the coming meltdown will be even more violent than the catastrophic one the world witnessed in 2008. KWN takes Stockman’s warnings very seriously because he is the man former President Reagan called on in 1981, during that crisis, to become Director of the Office of Management and Budget and help save the United States from collapse. Below is what Stockman, author of the website contracorner, had to say in part I of a series of powerful interviews that will be released today.
Eric King: “David, what do you see as the great danger facing the world today?”
Stockman: “The biggest danger is that the central banks will lose control of this coiled financial cobra that they have created in the financial system of the world….
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