Friday, February 15, 2013

James Dines: Countries Are Now Printing Paper Without Limit—With Each New Piece To Chase Gold Higher / By Tekoa Da Silva / February 14, 2013
I had the great opportunity to connect with one of the most legendary investment newsletter writers in the world, James Dines, publisher of The Dines Letter, for a powerful conversation on markets, gold, & crowd psychology.
Throughout his 60 years of publishing, Mr. Dines has amassed a true library of personal writings, often times being the pioneering global voice of major long-term trend changes in markets and societies.
Of great interest, is his work in the field of psychology. Mr. Dines has documented about 90 of what he calls “High-States” and “Low-States” of thinking, such as the “high-state of service”, and/or “the low-state of stealing”. This philosophical framework contributes to Mr. Dines’ market calls, to which he and his readers have used to create absolute fortunes.
When asked how his life philosophies contribute to his investment work, Mr. Dines said, “I came upon the principle of truth…and there are levels of it, including ‘high truth’. I came up with about 90 of these ‘high states’ that are important in guiding us…for example ‘service’. If you come from serving people instead of taking from them, that immediately get’s your head straight in terms of making relationships work. It’s also important in investing, because you can’t lie to yourself. Nobody could deceive us as we could deceive ourselves. All that exists in the universe is truth—and resistance to it. So when you get down into truth, you can invest more intelligently, your relationships will be better, and you’ll be happier.”
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