Saturday, February 8, 2014

Will Gold Miners Breakout vs the Metal?

This has been a big one I’ve been watching develop since late last year: Gold Miners vs Gold the Metal. When it comes to the yellow metal, we always hear the arguments, “buy gold, stay away from the companies”, or “the miners are a better value than the metal”. People can make very intelligent arguments for each side, but the trend is really the only thing that matters. For three years, the metal has been the place to be relative to the miners. In fact the GLD:GDX ratio is up 170% during that time span.
Today we’re taking a closer look at this ratio because I believe things are changing. Going forward, I have a good feeling the miners will be the outperformers between the two. I first wrote about this last month as it started to develop. Since then, we’re seeing some further consolidation that I think is worth following up on.
The first one is a daily line chart showing a clean downtrend line from 2012 breaking to start the year. Now, just because a trendline is broken doesn’t necessarily mean the trend has reversed. We just know that the trend has changed; perhaps a sideways or upward trend will be follow.
2-6-14 gdx gld ratio
The next chart takes a little bit of a closer look at this same line chart, but this time we’re focusing more on what could potentially be a false breakdown in November/December. Notice how in January we got back above those June and October lows.  (more)
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