Thursday, March 7, 2013

It’s Not the Economy Stupid! / By Andrew Hoffman / March 6th, 2013
I have written endlessly of the varying – and changing – meanings of the famous political cry, “It’s the Economy, Stupid!”  Created in 1992 by the Clinton campaign, it inferred that since the economy was floundering, incumbents (like Bush I) should be voted out.  It’s the oldest strategy in the book; but was never used so succinctly…
It’s the economystupid – Wikipedia
However, in today’s world of collapsing economies and surging inflation, its meaning has shifted 180 degrees.  In other words, with HOPE of new jobs all but gone, a weak economy ensures votes for those promising the most entitlements; but NOT actual jobs.  In other words, the typical societal decline; from capitalism to socialism to communism
Regarding financial markets, the top PROPAGANDA platform of those trying to discredit Precious Metals is that a “recovering” economy means gold and silver should collapse.  Particularly as PAPER naked shorting is employed whenever “better than expected” economic data is released, a PERCEPTION has been created of such a connection.  It matters not if the data is true; of measurable quality; or consistent with other reports.  So long as the Cartel ATTACKS PAPER PMs as the reports are issued, the doting MSM will be happy to make a connection; a la “market action makes commentary.”
As discussed in the “DOW-GOLD PARADOX,” things are not always as they seem.  Incessant PPT-support gives the impression the “DOW JONES PROPAGANDA AVERAGE” is always rising; but in reality, has barely budged in 12 years – and fallen significantly when adjusting for INFLATION and SURVIVOR BIAS…
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