Monday, September 30, 2013

How Marc Faber Prepares For “When The Shit Hits The Fan”

from Zero Hedge:

During a recent round-table discussion (accessible below), Marc Faber explained his asset allocation strategy and his incredulity at what the Fed is doing.
“I have around 25% in gold… and it’s my insurance policy. It is important that one day when the so-called shit hits the fan – and I think the Fed is well on its way to creating that situation – you have access to your gold, that it is not taken away.”
Faber goes on to discuss his lack of surprise at the Fed’s un-Taper, the wealth in-equality impacts, and Asia’s growing lack of faith in the USD.
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The Only REIT I’d Own Today: Vornado Realty Trust (NYSE: VNO)

Unless you own a home in each of America’s 20 biggest cities — or you’re an economist — a 12.4% increase in the S&P/Case-Shiller Index doesn’t mean much.
You can’t make money from a nationwide statistic. Not in real estate…
Cleveland, for example, may have seen a 3.4% increase from July 2012 to July 2013. But that’s nothing compared to Los Angeles, where prices jumped 20.8%.
Or San Francisco, which posted a 24% year-over-year increase. Las Vegas prices jumped even higher, up more than 27%.
And then there’s New York, where you can make a killing on some prime Manhattan real estate right now…
There’s a hassle-free way to do it, too. So you’ll never have to worry about tenants, taxes, insurance, maintenance… You won’t need a million-dollar down payment, either. (more)

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Bill Barrett Corporation (NYSE: BBG)

Bill Barrett Corporation, an independent oil and gas company, engages in the exploration, development, and production of crude oil and natural gas in the United States. It principally holds interests in various properties located in the Piceance, Uinta, and Denver-Julesburg basins in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States. The company was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado.
To review Barrett's stock, please take a look at the 1-year chart of BBG (Bill Barrett Corporation) below with my added notations:
1-year chart of BBG (Bill Barrett Corporation) BBG had been trading in a sideways range for the last 4-5 months. During that period of time the stock had also been bouncing within a common chart pattern known as a rectangle. Rectangle patterns form when a stock bounces between a horizontal support and resistance. A minimum of (2) successful tests of the support and (2) successful tests of the resistance will give you the pattern. BBG's rectangle pattern had formed a $24 resistance (red) and a $20 support (blue). Now that the stock has broken its rectangle resistance higher prices should follow.
* One caveat: Traders would have liked to have seen an increase in volume on the break above $24. Volume would add validity, but that doesn't mean the stock isn't still going higher.
The Tale of the Tape: BBG has broken through the resistance of its rectangle pattern. The possible long position on the stock would be on a pullback to $24. The ideal short opportunity would be on a break back below $24.
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Rent vs. Buy: Why Buying a House Generally Wins

Rent vs. buy. In finance circles, it's a bigger debate than "paper vs. plastic" or "tastes great vs. less filling."
It remains a debate fought by smart people on both sides, because the variables make calculus look like third-grade math.
Advocates of buying will use arguments that feature phrases such as "throwing away money on rent," "mortgage interest rate deduction," and "forced savings." They may even appeal to your sense of community by pointing out the social benefits of an ownership mentality.
Advocates of renting will say the benefits of homeownership are overrated while the costs are underrated.
From the title of this column, you know where I stand. But let's give the rent advocates their due.  (more)

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US Weekly Economic Calendar

time (et) report period Actual CONSENSUS
9:45 am Chicago PMI Sept.   54.3 55.7
10 am ISM Sept.   55.0% 55.7%
10 am Construction spending Aug.   0.5% 0.6%
TBA Motor vehicle sales Sept.   15.6 mln 16.1 mln
8:15 am ADP employment Sept.   180,000 176,000
8:30 am Weekly jobless claims 9/28
313,000 305,000
10 am ISM nonmanufacturing Sept.   57.3% 58.6%
10 am Factory orders Aug.   0.4% -2.4%
8:30 am Nonfarm payrolls Sept.   180,000 169,000
8:30 am Unemployment rate Sept.   7.3% 7.3%
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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Herbalife: Monster Short Squeeze Coming Soon, Says Chartist

If you're going to dance among the hedge fund elephants you better be nimble. That's the basic thinking of and founder of Eagle Bay Capital J.C. Parets as he tries to make money for his clients by trading shares of Herbalife (HLF).

A quick refresher course on Herbalife might be in order. Last December billionaire investor Bill Ackman announced he was shorting the shares of nutritional supplement (?) company Herbalife. Ackman maintains the company is a pyramid scheme and believes the stock will go to zero. Putting his money where his mouth is, Ackman announced that he was short 20% of HLF's float and wouldn't cover a single share.

Ackman has plenty of enemies on Wall Street and they were quick to pounce. Among those enemies is billionaire Carl Ichan who famously went on CNBC and suggested Ackman was exposing himself to "the mother of all short squeezes." With Ackman sitting on so many shares on the short side, Icahn and other Wall Street "whales" pounced, buying up Herbalife shares and "squeezing" Herbalife higher while Ackman squirmed. (more)

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25 'Hidden Gem' Real Estate Markets Around The US

For investors  looking to get into the real estate market, one factor should be considered above all others: location, location, location.
RealtyTrac has combed the country to find 25 "hidden gem" markets — areas that are little-known, aren't swarming with big institutional investors, and boast sizeable yields.
The firm based its study on a combination of five factors: median home value (single-family, three-bedroom home), unemployment, median rental value, institutional investor sales, and gross yield. (more)

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Solar Activity Is At A 100 Year Low: Are You Prepared For A Bitterly Cold Winter?

by Michael Snyder, Activist Post:
Are you ready for bone-chilling cold this winter? The Old Farmer’s Almanac and other weather forecasters that rely on solar activity as a factor in their weather forecasts are projecting that this upcoming winter will be bitterly cold. Solar activity is at a 100-year low, and even though we were supposed to be in the midst of a solar maximum this year, our sun has been eerily quiet. So precisely what in the world is going on?
There have been other periods throughout history when solar activity has been extraordinarily quiet, and those times have corresponded with periods of extreme cold.  For example, the “Maunder Minimum” which stretched from 1645 to 1715 corresponded with the most bitterly cold period that the earth experienced in the last 1000 years.  So could we be heading toward another “mini-ice age”?  That is a question that some scientists are now beginning to ask.
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This commodity is almost guaranteed to soar now

The USDA is projecting record corn crops this year. Production is set to increase by more than 25% over last year's drought ridden crop.

Corn prices crashed in anticipation… down over 40% since last year.

This is a basic law of supply and demand. Supply is set to increase, yet demand will remain relatively stable… so prices fall. This is how prices are supposed to work… but it's overdone. And corn prices are set to soar…

You see, traders expect the rout to continue. But they are too bearish. We can see this clearly by looking at the Commitment of Traders (COT) report for Corn.

The COT report shows the real bets of futures traders… folks that have real money at stake. And as contrarians, we know that when everyone bets on the same outcome, the opposite usually occurs.

That's exactly where the corn market is today. Futures traders haven't been this bearish in years. Take a look...

The last time the COT was this negative, corn prices increased 28% over the next four months.

This is a classic contrarian bet… Everyone expects perfect news in the corn market. They expect a perfect crop… a record crop. And they expect prices to continue downward.

There is no room for bad news.

Any disturbances will send prices soaring. And while you've probably never bet on corn prices, it's a safe trade to make right now.

If you don't have a futures account, the simplest way to invest is the Teucrium Corn ETF (NYSE: CORN). This is a simple fund that accurately tracks the corn futures market.

CORN does charge a ridiculous 5% annual expense ratio. But it's the only viable way to make the trade.

If we walk away with a 25%-plus gain in a few months, giving up a few percent in expenses is fine by me. Check it out.
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LINDSEY WILLIAMS on Jeff Rense Radio : Insider Globalist Plans Revealed

Pastor Lindsey Williams, former minister to the global oil companies during the building of the Alaskan pipeline, and future trends reporter on economic and financial issues, announced on the Just Measures Radio Pathfinder program the ten financial and economic plans scheduled for America over the next four years. Beginning with a massive increase of forced debt on the Federal government, states, and the American people, the end game is for the dollar to be phased out, and to have over 70% of the population reliant upon government benefits by 2016.

    10 agendas the American people will face over the next 4 years

    1. There is going to be forced debt creation

    2. They will tax the middle class into oblivion

    3. Debt limit suspended

    4. Dollar will be phased out over the next four years

    5. Formula = Fed QE3 will devalue the dollar 3-4%, new historic taxes, Obamacare tax, food price increases, work week hours decreasing

    6. Middle class to feel the effects of a global 'fistfight' between the old elite, a renegade President, and a new elite coming out of Asia

    7. By the end of the next four years, 70% will be dependent in some form of government benefit

    8. By 2016, gold will be at $3000 per ounce, and will be the only thing maintaining purchasing power

    9. Plan to take over churches (that are mortgaged)

    10. Millions of Muslims will be brought in to the country over the next four years. - Lindsey William, Pathfinder Radio Show, Dec. 4

According to Pastor Williams and his sources, the primary purpose of implementing these programs is for the eventual phasing out of the dollar, and ensuring the population is ready for a new currency and economic system. Already, debt for most Americans is increasing as student loans reach historic highs, long term unemployment remains at Depression era levels, little or no middle income jobs are being created, and inflation has raised the cost of food by more than 30% in the past year alone.

In regards to the dollar, its days appear numbered even before Pastor Williams announced the intention of the ruling class. China has implemented three distinct programs which now allow three billion people across the globe to perform transactions, including in energy, in currencies other than the dollar.

During the month of December and leading into January of 2014, Congress, along with President Obama, are discussing several tax, spending, and debt programs to help alleviate a perceived 'fiscal cliff' that will occur when the Bush tax cuts end, and national healthcare (Obamacare) begins. One of these debt programs is to allow the White House to seize control the debt ceiling, thus eliminating it from Congressional control, and allowing government borrowing to occur limitless according to law. This, along with unlimited money printing and bond buying from the Federal Reserve, will accelerate the death of the dollar, and bring massive inflation through which the American people will have difficulty buying goods and services without government intervention.

Old world economies in the West have not recovered since the 2008 credit crash, and in fact have gotten much worse. Nations such as Italy, Spain, and Greece have lost their leadership, and remain in such economic straits that riots are becoming weekly occurrences. In the Untied States, economic growth has fallen below 2%, with hundreds of companies laying off employees by the thousands. Additionally, America's largest employer Walmart is preparing to cut worker hours to less than 30 per week to ensure they don't incur the premium costs of Obamacare next year.

With the election season over, and Barack Obama once again in office for another four years, a ramp up of his original plans to redistribute wealth, and tax Americans through a myriad of programs is virtually assured. In response, that slowdown of economic growth, rising inflation from the Fed devaluing the dollar, and the growing number of Americans now reliant upon government benefits gives a great deal of credence to the ten agendas Americans can expect to see on the horizon for themselves and the country during the next four years. 
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Nine Lessons From The Greatest Trader Who Ever Lived: Jesse L. Livermore

The stock market has certainly produced its share of heroes and villains over the years. And while villains have been many, the heroes have been few.

One of the good guys (for me, at least) has always been Jesse L. Livermore. He's considered by many of today's top Wall Street traders to be the greatest trader who ever lived.

Leaving home at age 14 with no more than five bucks in his pocket, Livermore went on to earn millions on Wall Street back in the days when they still literally read the tape.

Long or short, it didn't matter to Jesse. (more)

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Hidden Secrets Of Money 3: Dollar Crisis To Golden Opportunity — Mike Maloney

Today we bring you Episode 3 of Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets of Money. Mike was asked to speak at an event in Singapore and to give his opinion on the future for the U.S. Dollar. His presentation was titled ‘Death Of The Dollar Standard’ and showed very clearly that the Dollar Standard is developing serious cracks, and will likely split at the seams during this decade. How will this affect you
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Friday, September 27, 2013

Apple's Chart is Telling Traders It's a 'Buy' Right Now: AAPL

After its notable rally off the late June lows, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) began to top out in the second half of September. After trading sideways to slightly lower for a couple of weeks, the stock gapped down 5.6% on the morning of Sept. 11, the day after it announced of a fresh batch of iPhones.

Last week, however, AAPL found support near its 100-day simple moving average and the 50% retracement level of the entire June-to-August rally. The odds now favor a resumption of its uptrend. Furthermore, with the company's next earnings announcement scheduled for Oct. 24, traders have a few weeks to potentially play the stock from the long side without any news to shake things up.

Personally, I have found great success swing trading AAPL, as it seems to respect technical patterns particularly well in two-to-three-week time frames. Additionally, given the strong emotional attachment many investors have to their positions, the stock often displays basic trend breaks and candlestick signals that offer great trade setups. (more)

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McAlvany weekly Commentary

Funny Money Redefines Reality…Temporarily

About this week’s show:
  • Non-Taper (as expected)
  • Modern art is valued in terms of modern money
  • Gold is simply cash
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Dollar General Corp. (NYSE:DG)

Dollar General Corporation, a discount retailer, engages in the provision of various merchandise products in the United States. The company offers various consumable products, including paper and cleaning products, such as paper towels, bath tissue, paper dinnerware, trash and storage bags, laundry, and other home cleaning supplies; packaged food, comprising cereals, canned soups and vegetables, condiments, spices, sugar, and flour; perishables consisting of milk, eggs, bread, frozen meals, beer, and wine; snacks that include candies, cookies, crackers, salty snacks, and carbonated beverages. It also provides seasonal products, including decorations, toys, batteries, small electronics, greeting cards, stationery, prepaid phones and accessories, gardening supplies, hardware, automotive, and home office supplies; and home products comprising kitchen supplies, cookware, small appliances, light bulbs, storage containers, frames, candles, craft supplies and kitchen, bed, and bath soft goods. In addition, the company offers casual everyday apparel for infants, toddlers, girls, boys, women, and men, as well as socks, underwear, disposable diapers, shoes, and accessories.
To review Dollar's stock, please take a look at the 1-year chart of DG (Dollar General Corporation) below with my added notations:
1-year chart of DG (Dollar General Corporation) While consolidating in July and August, DG formed a solid resistance at $56 (red). That previous resistance was a 52-week high breakout when the stock broke up through it in the beginning of September and now it should act as support if the stock were to pull back down to it. In addition, the stock has been climbing a long trendline of support (blue) since February. If DG were to fall below $56, that trendline should be the next major level of support.

The Tale of the Tape: DG has a potential $56 level of support and uptrend line to watch. A long trade could be made on a pullback down to $56. A break below that level would bring the up trending support into focus for the next long trade.
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Head and Shoulders Price Pattern in JP Morgan Stock: JPM

There seems to be a lot of commotion these days over this head and shoulders top in one of the most important companies in America. JP Morgan has been putting in what most technicians would consider a pretty text book topping pattern since early May. Now, whether or not $JPM breaks the neckline and confirms is still unknown, but the potential is certainly there.

This is a daily bar chart of JP Morgan Chase & Co going back to the Spring. The left shoulder was put in towards the end of May, the head in July and most recently a really weak right shoulder in September. What stands out to me here is how short lived the most recent rally was. Take note of how much lower the September peak is (right shoulder) when compared to the May highs (left shoulder). This is further evidence that the buyers are just tired: (more)

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Forget Twitter, Buy These Social Media ETFs Instead

Last week, social media heavyweight, Twitter, announced that it will file for a stock market IPO.

Needless to say, the Internet lit up with the news. And like clockwork, the hype machine started cranking.

If you’re cynical, you’re not alone. Anyone remember Facebook (Nasdaq: FB)?

When the stock went public on May 18, 2012, it opened at $42.05. Giddy investors who piled in then saw shares slump to under $20 just three months later.

Only in the past couple of weeks has the stock returned to its IPO level. (more)

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tesla’s Rally Is Running on Fumes: TSLA

Tesla (TSLA) CEO Elon Musk may seem to be using his entrepreneurial super genius for the forces of societal good, but he's making some powerful enemies. Last week General Motor's (GM) VP of Global Development told AP the company is working on an electric car with 200 mile range and a price tag under $30,000. The fact that GM refused to say when or even if such a product would be mass produced goes a long way towards explaining why Musk doesn't seem too concerned about the competitive threat.

Judging by shares of Tesla the stock market is convinced the electric car industry is going to be huge with or without Detroit. Despite electric cars accounting for a mere 0.3% of total U.S. auto sales, shares of Tesla are up 430% in 2013. General Motors rakes in more than 100x as much revenue as Tesla but is only about twice the size in terms of market cap. The stock market seems to giving Tesla credit for selling cars to people who haven't even been born. (more)

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Is It Time To Sell Yen Once Again?

You want to talk about following trends? Is there anything worse out there than Japanese Yen?
There is something important to keep in mind here: Consolidations tend to resolve themselves in the direction of the underlying trend. It’s not always the case (what is?), but more often than not, when an asset is trending: triangles, rectangles, flags, pennants, you you name it, these consolidations tend to breakout in the same direction they came from.
Today we’re looking at the Dollar/Yen $USDJPY. After a monster move from last Fall, the currency cross has been consolidating those gains in a text book range since the May highs. With lower highs and higher lows, we can see that the correction has taken the shape of a triangle made up of converging trendlines. Eventually, as prices approach the apex, something’s gotta give. I’m looking at 100.60 as confirmation of a new leg higher:
9-24-13 usdjpy
If Yen breaks down (this chart breaks out higher), you’re looking at about a 10 point measured move. This target is achieved by taking the height of the consolidation (May highs to June lows) and adding it to the breakout level mentioned above 100.60. So we’re looking for prices to get above 110.
There is a very strong negative correlation between Japanese stocks and their currency. If you look at $DXJ, the Wisdomtree Japan Hedged Equity Fund, prices have already broken out of a similar looking triangular consolidation. And it looks like it’s heading higher, which is not good for Yen.
I think we could be looking at a new leg lower for Yen. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this chart above.

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The Best Stock Under $10? : KTOS

Since we recommended Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc. (Nasdaq: KTOS) back on June 6, the stock has soared nearly 40%.
And we believe there's more to come.
A lot more.
Founded in 1994, the San Diego-based Kratos is a specialized security-technology company that provides products and services crucial to U.S. national security priorities.
That national security focus is borne out by the company's customer base, which includes the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (more)

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The Only Warren Buffett Pick Signaling 'Buy' Right Now: USB

Warren Buffett is synonymous with value investing and investment success. Buffett has consistently delivered profits to his investors in Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-B) for almost 60 years. Now, Buffett is 83 and probably won't have the opportunity to build wealth for the next generation. Fortunately, Buffett has left a detailed road map of his investment strategy that we can use to build wealth long after his departure.

Buffett has built a fortune by buying shares of great companies when they were selling at a discount. He is a patient investor and waits for prices to reach what he considers to be a bargain level. Because he never knows when bargains will be found in the market, Buffett maintains a large cash position in his portfolio, something individual investors cannot do without hurting their returns.  (more)

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Who is stealing Nigeria's oil?

Nearly 100,000 barrels of crude oil is stolen each day from Nigeria - about 5 per cent of the country's total output - yet the international community continues to turn a blind eye to the thefts.
Most of what is stolen is exported with proceeds laundered through world financial centres, according to a new report from the United Kingdom's Chatham House, a global think tank based in London.
For years, officials have known the problem exists but little has been done to stop it, says Christina Katsouris, the co-author of the report, "Nigeria's Criminal Crude: International Options to Combat the Export of Stolen Oil."
Theives tap into pipelines and other crude oil infrastructure in the Niger Delta to steal the oil and then it is pumped onto waiting barges or boats, the report states. Some of the crude is refined locally or it is shipped abroad.
"You can see it being stolen," Katsouris says in a YouTube video post.
Quite often, the criminals are messy and cause oil leaks, which often get blamed on the oil companies, she says. "It is horrendous, it leaves big black holes over what was once pristine swamps."
Bribery, corruption and organized crime fuels the thievery. And often, the product ends up on the legal market. "We tried to find cases of prosecution - money laundering linked to crude oil theft - and we couldn't find one," she says on YouTube.
Nigeria needs international help to stop the problem, she suggests.
First, Nigeria and the country's partners need to prioritize the gathering, analysis and sharing of intelligence on the problem, the report says. Figuring out how much is actually being stolen and tracking where the money is going would be a start.
Nigeria could also consider working with it's partners and build confidence by strengthening policies such as anti-bribery laws and they need to work with their neighbouring states to monitor the flow of stolen crude oil over the borders.
"Poor governance has encouraged violent opportunism around oil and opened doors for organized crime. Because Nigeria is the world's 13th largest oil producer – exports often topped two million barrels per day in 2012 – high rents are up for grabs," according to a Chatham House release.

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Oracle Corporation (NYSE: ORCL)

Oracle Corporation develops, manufactures, markets, hosts, and supports database and middleware software, applications software, and hardware systems. It licenses database and middleware software, including database and database management, application server and cloud application, service-oriented architecture and business process management, business intelligence, identity and access management, data integration, Web experience management, portals, and content management and social network software, as well as development tools and Java, a software development platform. In addition, it offers servers; storage, networking, and virtualization software; operating systems, including the Oracle Solaris Operating System; Oracle engineered systems; and hardware systems support solutions, including software updates for the software components, as well as product repair, maintenance, and technical support services.
To review Oracle's stock, please take a look at the 1-year chart of ORCL (Oracle Corporation) below with my added notations:
1-year chart of ORCL (Oracle Corporation) ORCL has formed a very clear down-channel chart pattern over the last (6) months. A channel is simply formed through the combination of a trend line support that runs parallel to a trend line resistance. When it comes to channels, remember that any (3) points can start the channel, but a 4th point or more confirms it. You can see that ORCL has (4) points of channel resistance (red) and (2) points of channel support (blue). Following the ORCL channel can provide you with both long and short trading opportunities.

The Tale of the Tape: ORCL has formed a common pattern know as a channel, in this case, a down channel. A long trade can be entered on a pullback to the channel support, which at this point is somewhere down in the mid-20's, or on a breakout through the channel resistance, currently sitting near $33. Short trades could also be placed at channel resistance or if ORCL were to break below the channel support.
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Predictions For 2014

1. Forget Coca-Cola or Pepsi: there's a new beverage king in town.

SodaStream (NYSE: SODA) -- is in a clear uptrend. And I predict it will catch fire over the next 12 months and become a serious threat to Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

2. Apple will create a new currency called iCash and become the largest bank in America.

It recently acquired biometrics security firm AuthenTec (Nasdaq: AUTH)

3. Instead of dealing with doctors, waiting rooms, and painful treatments, a new medical device will allow you to diagnose any illness, anytime, anywhere. (more)

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2 Dividend Stocks to Buy and Hold ‘Forever’: Canadian Oil Sands (OTCMKTS: COSWF), Great Plains Energy (NYSE: GXP)

We’re still a long way off from winter here in the United States, but it’s starting to cool down.

And for energy companies, that means the best season of the year is approaching.

So let’s take a look at two stocks set to benefit from the coming wintry months. Both pay dividends and have capital appreciation on the horizon…

1. Canadian Oil Sands (OTCMKTS: COSWF)
Canadian Oil Sands (OTCMKTS: COSWF) is a Canadian energy company that refers to itself as a “pure investment opportunity in light, sweet crude oil.”  (more)

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Dollar CRISIS this Winter, CONFISCATION of Gold & Silver: Alasdair MacLeod

Inflation is being hidden expertly by the government as well. Wage stagnation in a poor economy hides service sector inflation, and China hides the rest. Consumer goods aren't much more expensive because it's all imported from China now, and the Chinese government is willing to accept massive exchange losses to keep us buying. Their slave labor doesn't know what its losing, so it's no skin off their back. Fuel prices have doubled in the last 5 years, despite massive gains in supply from domestic sources. Food prices have also doubled, but since so many poor people are getting government handouts, the true cost is disguised. Food and fuel are non-elastic demand items, which is where inflation shows up first. It's also why they get left out of government calculations. At this point, a strong recovery would be damaging in and of itself, because inflation would spike badly as the glut of money in the system starts to move. But seeing as the government has no intention of letting the job market pick up, it will be slow strangulation of QE.

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Urban Outfitters, Inc. (NASDAQ: URBN)

Urban Outfitters, Inc. engages in the retail and wholesale of general consumer products and operates in two segments, Retail and Wholesale. The company operates retail stores under the Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Free People, Terrain, and BHLDN brands. Its Urban Outfitters stores sell women's and men's fashion apparel, footwear, accessories, and gifts, as well as apartment wares, such as rugs and pillows to young adults aged 18 to 28; and Anthropologie stores provide women's casual apparel and accessories, shoes, gifts, decorative items, and home furnishings to women aged 28 to 45. The company's Free People stores primarily offer Free People branded merchandise mix of casual women's apparel, intimates, shoes, accessories, and gifts to young contemporary women aged 25 to 30; Terrain stores provide lifestyle home and garden products, antiques, live plants, flowers, wellness products, and accessories, as well as landscape and design service solutions; and BHLDN store offers a range of wedding collections consisting of wedding gowns, bridesmaid frocks, party dresses, assorted jewelry, headpieces, footwear, lingerie, and decorations.
To review Urban's stock, please take a look at the 1-year chart of URBN (Urban Outfitters, Inc.) below with my added notations:
Do or Die Time for URBN Over the last nine months URBN has been stuck within a common pattern known as a rectangle. Rectangle patterns form when a stock bounces between a horizontal support and resistance. A minimum of (2) successful tests of the support and (2) successful tests of the resistance will give you the pattern. URBN's rectangle pattern has formed a $44 resistance (red) and a $38 support (blue). The stock has fallen back down to support, and considering its move against the rally of the overall market, may be looking to break lower.
The Tale of the Tape: URBN has formed a rectangle pattern. The possible long positions on the stock would be either on a pullback to $38, or on a breakout above $44. The ideal short opportunity would be on a break below $38.
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Nomi Prins: Tremendously Dangerous Time-Stay Away from Investing in Stock Market

Nomi Prins, a former Goldman Sachs banker, has a warning for a Syrian military strike. She says, "It's a tremendously dangerous time to be moving forward with aggression rather than moving backwards with diplomacy." As far as the stock market goes, Prins says, "I would not put my money in the stock market right now. . . I would stay away from it because that is flimsy ground." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Nomi Prins, best-selling author of "It Takes a Pillage."
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How to Lower Your Term Life Rates

Term life insurance might be a necessary evil, but it doesn’t have to be an expensive one. The advent of online shopping services makes it easier for you to compare competing providers and find the best deal for yourself. In addition to shopping between providers, you can also impact your rates by eliminating unnecessary policy options and by taking better care of yourself to improve your health rating.

Shop Around

Insurance companies can charge wildly different rates for similar coverage. For example, as of July 2, a 42-year-old Midwestern male in excellent health could pay as little as $126.42 or as much as $164.80 per month for a 20-year $1.5 million term policy from insurers offering a "preferred plus" health category. That same person could pay as much as $293.55 per month to an insurer not offering such a category. All three quotes were obtained from insurers with A++ ratings. Shopping around can reduce your premiums.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Man Who Predicted No Fed Tapering Now Says To Expect Chaos

On the back of a wild week of trading in global markets, today the 42-year market veteran, who correctly predicted on Tuesday that the Fed would not taper, is now warning King World News that we should expect chaos in the aftermath of this week’s historic events.  He also discussed what all of this means for gold and silver.  Below is what Egon von Greyerz, founder of Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, had to say in his interview. (more)

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Chart Predicts a Double-Digit Breakdown in This Sector: iShares U.S. Home Construction ETF (NYSE: ITB)

The stock market put in a rather strong performance upon returning from the long Labor Day holiday weekend. The S&P 500 went on a seven-day win streak and the Dow Jones Industrial Average logged three consecutive triple-digit gains before the markets experienced some profit-taking Thursday.

This rising tide took many boats with it, including the homebuilding sector, which was reeling from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's hint in May that the Fed was considering reducing its bond buying program. The specter of rising interest rates cast a pall over the sector, which relies heavily on mortgage borrowing.

With tensions abating, at least temporarily, in Syria, the flight to safety in U.S. Treasury bonds is easing, so once again, rising interest rates are back in the fore. And this means the homebuilding sector's brief rally is about to come to a screeching halt.

The iShares U.S. Home Construction ETF (NYSE: ITB), which tracks the performance of home construction stocks, materials and fixtures makers, and home improvement retailers, rallied in early September. (more)

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Jim Rogers: The 3 Most Exciting Investment Opportunities Right Now

Commodities guru Jim Rogers lives in Singapore and is a well-known China bull, but the contrarian investor travels all over the world (and has circumnavigated the globe twice). So we asked where he sees exciting economic opportunities for average investors now.

Rogers tells The Daily Ticker there are great opportunities in Africa – he names Angola and Ethiopia specifically. He also is focusing on the South American country of Uruguay.
“I said to my wife, ‘let’s move to Angola – we could live like kings,'” Rogers, the author of Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets, tells us in the video above. “She said, ‘you move to Angola; I don’t want to live like a queen in Angola’…but you could!”

Watch the interview to see more of the off-the-beaten path, frontier destinations that Rogers finds exciting. He also tells us which economies seem the least dynamic to him right now.  (more)

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Gold: Not Much Of A Hedge For Anything, Unless You're A Centurion

Gold has many uses, but as a hedge against inflation or a declining dollar, it’s a flop.

That’s the conclusion of an exhaustive article in the current issue of the Financial Analysts Journal, which examines six different explanations for why gold prices rise and fall. Authors Claude Erb and Campbell Harvey, a professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, conclude that the assumptions of most investors — that gold rises during times of inflation, or serves as a hedge against a collapsing dollar — don’t measure up.

The most likely explanation for why gold prices go up is because gold prices are going up.
Gold, like homes during the housing bubble, displays what economists call “positive price elasticity.” When the price is rising, investors are attracted to gold and buy more. Rising purchases by China and other emerging markets may have driven gold’s price up at the margin, but investors have piled on too. They’ve accumulated 1,000 metric tons of the barbarous relic in the vaults of the SPDR Gold Trust, more than China’s suspected gold inventory. (more)

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These New High-Yield REITs are Currently a Bargain: ORC, OAKS, JMI

REITs have been taking a beating for the past year…
Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (NYSE: NLY), which is considered by many to be a proxy for the REIT sector, has lost about one third of its market value since September 2012.
Investors in Annaly who’ve endured those losses will need more than two years of its 15.31% dividend yield to break even.
But some analysts, including yours truly, think that there’s now value to be had in the REIT market thanks to these dramatic share price declines… And some of the more alluring options are lesser-known, newer REITs…(more)

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Monday, September 23, 2013

“Major Shortage Of Physical Gold” Has Fed Greatly Concerned

As the world awaits the Fed’s decision, today a 42-year market veteran told King World News there will be no tapering and that the gold will soar “after the Fed has surprised the market tomorrow.”  Greyerz also warned KWN that to further complicate matters for the Fed, there is a “major shortage of physical gold” ahead of their decision.  Below is what Egon von Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, had to say.

Greyerz:  “Eric, it is important to consider what the truly important factors are that will determine what will happen to the world, its people, and to the global economy.  If we look around, what do we find?  We find a world that is financially, politically, and morally bankrupt.  (more)

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DOW Market Update

by Martin Armstrong
Armstrong Economics

So far, everything has still followed the turning points. We got the fall in the US Share Market into early September and the bounce has been very strong. This is what I was warning about previously. The majority were very bearish and the shorts were lined up counting their profits. That provided the fuel for the surge rally. This market is still bullish for now and the possibility of doubling in a Phase Transition into 2015.75 remains unchanged – albeit not yet confirmed.
We can see even technically, the Dow fell but remained within the uptrend channel even on the daily level. There is ABSOLUTELY no spike high and that is required for a major bubble top. This has been the fundamental pundits who think they will not be fools this time and keep trying to sell the market. That is the very fuel we need for a breakout to the upside. That will eventually cause them to flip as they begin to buy the rally pronouncing this is a new era.
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The Madison Square Garden Co (NASDAQ: MSG)

The Madison Square Garden Company is engaged in sports, entertainment, and media businesses in the United States. It operates through three segments: MSG Media, MSG Entertainment, and MSG Sports. The MSG Media segment produces and develops content for various distribution platforms, including content originating from its venues. This segment consists of MSG Networks, its regional sports networks; and Fuse, a national television network dedicated to music. It also manages interactive Web sites, social networking sites, and mobile applications for its properties. The MSG Entertainment segment presents or hosts live entertainment events, such as concerts, family shows, performing arts, and special events in its venues, as well as creates, produces, and/or presents live productions. The MSG Sports segment owns and operates sports franchises, including New York Knicks, New York Rangers, New York Liberty, and Hartford Wolf Pack. This segment also promotes, produces, and/or presents an array of live sporting events at its venues, such as professional boxing, tennis, college basketball, professional bull riding, wrestling, gymnastics, and track and field meets, as well as the NFL Draft.
Please take a look at the 1-year chart of MSG (The Madison Square Garden Company) below with my added notations:
1-year chart of MSG (The Madison Square Garden Company) MSG had held a very important level of support of $55 (red) back in February, March and April. The stock then rallied higher and peaked in the $63 area a couple of times. Now, MSG is approaching $55 again and that might provide another bounce higher, but the stock's recent downward move could be setting the stock up for a breakdown.
The Tale of the Tape: MSG has a key level of support at $55. A trader could enter a long position at $55 with a stop placed under the level. If the stock were to break below the support, a short position would be recommended instead.
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MUST WATCH: How the Shadow Gov’t Took Over After Assassinating JFK — Neil Gallagher

Neil Gallagher is the only man alive who not only was a close personal friend of John F. Kennedy, but fought the cartel associated with the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, as a member of Congress. Miraculously, he was able to continue fighting, unlike others who joined him in the struggle. Even more miraculous, he is still alive today to tell the tale. Here he offers his personal insights into how the shadow government took over, following the assassination of JFK.
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The Buyer’s Market in Housing Is Over

You don’t usually find clearance sales on real estate. But the last two years are beginning to look like the deal of a lifetime for anybody who bought a home.

That dynamic may now be changing as home prices surge by double-digits, interest rates rise and the whole housing bust recedes into the past. The latest sign that the buyer’s market is ending is a convincing improvement in foreclosures. Sales of foreclosed homes now account for about 12% of home sales, according to research firm FNC. That’s down from 17% a year ago and 37% in 2009, the low point of the housing bust. At the current pace, foreclosures will fall back to typical pre-recession levels within a year or so, signaling something like a return to a normal housing market.
That’s an important economic indicator that also has a tangible effect on buyers and sellers in the real world. An epidemic of foreclosures has been one of the factors pushing prices down to depressed levels and keeping sellers on the sidelines. With prices as low as they’ve been, many people who bought within the last five or even 10 years couldn’t sell their homes without taking a loss. That stunted the whole economy by preventing people from moving to better areas where there might be more job opportunities and discouraging first-time home owners from moving up to bigger, nicer homes.  (more)

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US Weekly Economic Calendar

time (et) report period Actual CONSENSUS
8:30 am Chicago Fed national index Aug.   -- -0.15 3-month
8:58 am Markit flash PMI Sept.   -- 53.1
9 am Case-Shiller home price index July   -- 12.1% y-o-y
9 am FHFA home price index July   -- 7.8% y-o-y
10 am Consumer confidence index Sept.   80.0 81.5
8:30 am Durable goods orders Aug.   -0.7% -7.4%
10 am New home sales Aug.   429,000 394,000
12 noon Household debt 2Q   -- -0.6%
8:30 am Weekly jobless claims 9/21
-- 309,000
8:30 am GDP revision 2Q   2.7% 2.5%
10 am Pending home sales index Aug.   -- -1.3%
FRIDAY, Sept. 27
8:30 am Personal income Aug.   0.4% 0.1%
8:30 am Consumer spending Aug.   0.3% 0.1%
8:30 am Core PCE price index Aug.   0.1% 0.1%
9:55 am UMich consumer sentiment index Sept.   77.8 76.8
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Saturday, September 21, 2013

GRID DOWN COLLAPSE: James Wesley Rawles

In this conversation we sit down with our friend, author and founder of Survival Blog, James Wesley Rawles. Rory leads us in this one as we discuss survival must-haves, ways to ‘shelter in-place’ if you cannot bug out, and the devastation and die-off that will be caused by even a short-term grid down collapse. This is an open-forum conversation about a wide variety of survival-based issues. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy. PS – sorry about the typing noise in the first ten minutes, my bad.

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Corn December another sell signal

Futures, options and forex trading is speculative in nature and involves substantial risk of loss.  These recommendations are a solicitation for entering into derivatives transactions.  All known news and events have already been factored into the price of the underlying derivatives discussed.  From time to time persons affiliated with Zaner, or its associated companies, may have positions in recommended and other derivatives.
Corn December another sell signal
Corn has given me a sell signal today and suggest that we are in a longer term  trend down ( I do have a brief video that explains this) The weekly chart has basically been super trending down for almost a year and had a fresh sell signal 3 weeks ago . the monthly chart trend is also down this chart suggest that corn may have at least 2 more months of lower lows I have support at 445 and 425

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Newmont Mining (NYSE: NEM): Drop in Gold Prices May be Final Straw for This Struggling Miner

As the crisis in Syria appears headed toward a resolution, key commodities markets are no longer on edge. Oil prices have begun to slip, and gold prices have resumed their downward trajectory, making a quick retreat from their 150-day moving average.

Falling gold prices can spell serious trouble for gold miners. In recent years, mining costs have steadily increased due to higher labor costs, a greater regulatory burden and a move toward more deeply buried seams of gold. As an example, Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX) has taken a $5.1 billion charge to reflect higher costs at its new Pascua-Lama mine.

Gold prices have been under pressure since this spring when analysts at Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) suggested that there was no fundamental reason for gold prices to remain above $1,500, especially since inflationary fears have increasingly proved to be unfounded.  (more)
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U.S. Fed can be patient on tapering while inflation is low - Bullard

Low readings on inflation mean that the U.S. Federal Reserve can be patient on deciding when to scale back its pace of asset purchases, a senior Fed official said on Friday, cautioning that he would not back action until price pressures picked up.

"While I expect inflation to rise during the coming quarters, I want to see evidence of such an increase before endorsing less accommodative policy action by the FOMC," James Bullard, president of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, said.

Bullard said earlier on Friday in an interview with Bloomberg television that the Fed could still scale back its massive bond-buying campaign at its next meeting, at the end of October, if the data was strong enough.

The Federal Open Market Committee, the Fed's policy-setting body, on Wednesday voted to continue to buy bonds at a monthly pace of $85 billion.  (more)

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What Happens to the National Debt When Interest Rates Surge?

The country has racked up a lot of debt (maybe you've heard). But, thankfully, interest rates are at all-time lows. That's saved you, the taxpayer, a bundle. Even though the national debt has tripled in the last 18 years, the amount the government spends annually on interest payments has declined from $232 billion in 1995 to $222 billion today.
But what happens when interest rates rise?
What if they rise a lot?
What will that do to budget deficits?
The common answer is, with a $16 trillion national debt, rising interest rates will blow a hole in the budget deficit. This seems unshakably, arithmetically, true. And it probably is. I've written a warning about it several times.
But there's another side to the story I've been thinking about, and it quiets the doom-and-gloom narrative down quickly.  (more)
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Friday, September 20, 2013

How to Survive The Next Financial Collapse ~ James Wesley Rawles

Alex is joined via Skype by Former U.S. Army Intelligence officer and survivalist author James Wesley Rawles to discuss the imminent danger of world-wide economic collapse and how we can prepare for the situation 
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Berry Petroleum Company (NYSE: BRY)

Berry Petroleum Company, an independent energy company, engages in the acquisition, exploitation, exploration, production, and development of oil and natural gas in the continental United States. As of December 31, 2012, it had interests in 2,584 net productive oil wells and 271 net productive natural gas wells; and proved undeveloped reserves of 124.9 million barrels of oil equivalent in California, Texas, Utah, and Colorado. The company primarily sells its crude oil and gas to marketing companies or refiners. It is also involved in the generation and sale of electricity. Berry Petroleum Company was founded in 1909 and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado.
To review Berry's stock, please take a look at the 1-year chart of BRY (Berry Petroleum Company) below with my added notations:
1-year chart of BRY (Berry Petroleum Company) BRY had consistently hit resistance at $42 (red) over the last (2) months. In addition, the stock formed a clear trendline of support (blue) starting back in July. These two levels combined had BRY stuck within a common chart pattern known as an ascending triangle. At some point, the stock had to break through one of those two levels, and as you can see, it was the $42 resistance that finally broke.
The Tale of the Tape: BRY broke the resistance of its ascending triangle. A long trade could be made on a pull back to $42. A break back below the $42 level would set up a possible short trade and negate the forecast for a move higher.
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Is It Time to Buy Yahoo?: Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO)

For over a year now former Google all-star Marissa Mayer has been at the helm of Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO).

And she’s managed to steer the ship in one focused direction…

So far Wall Street has been enamored with Mayer as a businesswoman and a personality. She has outlined a much clearer vision for Yahoo than her predecessors.

Investors in Yahoo stock are happy – the share price is up more than 80% since Chief Executive Officer Mayer took charge.  (more)

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This Beaten-Down $3 Stock Could Double Traders' Money: Echo Therapeutics (NASDAQ: ECTE).

Baron Rothschild, a member of the powerful 18th century banking dynasty, is credited with coining the phrase, "Buy when there's blood in the streets." Rothschild recognized that the smartest purchases are often when things appear so dire that nearly all hope has been lost.

This idea is at the heart of contrarian investing. A contrarian is an investor who goes against the herd. They often buy beaten-down stocks in hopes that a positive catalyst will soon drive the price higher. They know that the most value and potential profits come from shares that have been beaten down.
Obviously, being a contrarian does not mean buying stocks that are plunging due to solid
fundamental reasons with little hope of recovering. Successful contrarians only invest in beaten-down companies that careful research indicates are about to turn around.  (more)

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Buy Coffee Stock's Breakout for the Chance at Fast Profits: Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (NASDAQ: GMCR)

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (NASDAQ: GMCR) is a favorite among traders and the financial media, not to mention among java lovers in the ever-growing coffee culture in the United States. The stock's volatile swings during the past few years were enough to satisfy even the most voracious appetite for volatility. In recent months, GMCR has settled into a consolidation phase, but now looks poised for a breakout.
Before looking at GMCR's chart, I'd like to note the dramatic slide in the price of coffee futures during the past two and a half years. After topping in May 2011, coffee futures have slipped more than 60% and continue to fall.
Coffee Futures Chart
While there is no direct inverse correlation between the price of coffee futures and the stock of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, it certainly would be difficult to make the case that lower input costs are hurting the company. So, from a fundamental point of view, as I walk through the charts below, keep in mind that lower input costs should be a positive for the stock. (more)
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Thursday, September 19, 2013

FOMC Decision: No Taper

The short version – we aren’t “tapering” because we think the economy might be weaker than previously expected (more discussion below):

“For immediate release

Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in July suggests that economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace. Some indicators of labor market conditions have shown further improvement in recent months, but the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has been strengthening, but mortgage rates have risen further and fiscal policy is restraining economic growth. Apart from fluctuations due to changes in energy prices, inflation has been running below the Committee’s longer-run objective, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.

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Spain Will No Longer Index Pensions to Inflation

by Martin Armstrong
Armstrong Economics

The collapse of Socialism is unfolding before everyone’s eyes – they just ignore it. In the states they manipulate the CPI to render inflation irrelevant and impossible. In Spain, they now will stop indexing pensions altogether because they cannot create a fake CPI as the US does. There will no longer be any automatic link to inflation from 2014 onwards for Spanish Pensions. Thus, the Spanish government wants to save 33 billion euros in ten years. The retirement age for the time being remains at 65 years for now but there are discussions about raising that to 70 in the EU as a whole behind closed doors in Brussels.
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Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. (NASDAQ: GMCR)

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. engages in the specialty coffee and coffeemaker businesses in the United States and Canada. It sources, produces, and sells approximately 225 varieties of coffee, cocoa, teas, and other beverages in K-Cup and Vue single serve packs; and coffee in traditional packaging, including whole bean and ground coffee selections in bags, and ground coffee in fractional packs. The company sells these products to supermarkets, club stores, and convenience stores; restaurant and hospitality industries; and office coffee distributors, as well as directly to consumers through its Website. It also sells at-home and away-from-home single cup brewers; accessories; brewing equipment; and coffee, tea, hot cocoa, and other beverages in single serve packs to retailers, department stores, and mass merchandisers, as well as directly to consumers. In addition, the company produces and sells other specialty beverages, including hot apple ciders, hot and iced teas, iced coffees, iced fruit brews, hot cocoa, and other dairy-based beverages in single serve packs. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. was founded in 1981 and is based in Waterbury, Vermont.
To review Green Mountain's stock, please take a look at the 1-year chart of GMCR (Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc.) below with my added notations:
1-year chart of GMCR (Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc.) After trading sideways for about (3) months, GMCR formed a solid resistance at $82 (green). That previous resistance was a 52-week high breakout when the stock broke up through it, and now it should act as support if the stock were to pull back down to it. In addition, the stock has been climbing a long trendline of support (blue) since January. If GMCR were to fall below $82, that trendline would be the next major level of support.
The Tale of the Tape: GMCR has a potential $82 level of support and uptrend line to watch. A long trade could be made on a pullback down to $82. A break below that level would bring the up trending support into focus for the next long trade.
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A road to unsustainable debt

CBO reports that US is on unsustainable budget course as spending exceeds revenues.
A recent CBO report came out with a rather sobering outlook of our governmental spending habits.  The word “unsustainable” is probably not something you want uttered in a report about meeting a budget.  Yet that has been our recent trajectory when it comes to spending.  The massive financial crisis and subsequent bailouts have resulted in a titled economy favoring a small group of people.  The same engine that led us into this problem is still humming along and the too big to fail have now become the way too big to fail banks.  So unsustainability is the spine fueling the current recovery.  Debt upon debt only works until you reach tipping points.  US households hit that point a few years ago as the housing bubble imploded.  To think that this path of acquiring debt upon debt to pay for expenditures is sustainable is going to cause deeper instability into an already shaky system.
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In the steps of John Templeton

By Vaughan Scully, S&P Capital IQ in The Outlook

S&P The OutlookLegendary investor John Templeton died in 2008, leaving behind a set of investing maxims that are still followed by the managers of Templeton funds. As an investor, Templeton was a contrarian by nature.

He moved his office from New York to Nassau, the Bahamas in part to get away from the “groupthink” that prevailed on Wall Street and claimed his performance improved because of it.

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