Friday, October 26, 2012

The Road to Bullion Default: Part I

Momentous events have taken place in global markets. With both the U.S. and EU announcing “open-ended”/”unlimited” money-printing (respectively); the exponentially increasing money-printing taking place in bankrupt Western economies has escalated to simply infinite money-printing.
This is nothing less than a death-knell for all Western fiat currencies, and our final warning that hyperinflation is now an inevitable fate. All that remains is for the (currently) clueless masses to realize that the paper they are carrying in their wallets is (in fact) nothing but paper – and then our own, modern Tulipmania will come to an ignominious end.
Gold and silver prices naturally reacted to this monetary insanity by jumping higher, reflecting the explosion which must take place in most asset prices; as our paper currencies plunge to their real value: zero. However, the rally was halted by a desperate counter-attack on bullion markets – with the result being that bullion prices have now trended sideways to lower for the past several weeks.
It’s important for readers to understand that there is no way the newly-announced money-printing has been (or could ever be) “priced into” metals markets. As the simplest of tautologies, you can never “price in” infinity into any market. Open-ended/unlimited money-printing means nothing less than an endless spiral higher in asset prices – until all this banker-paper meets the same fate as all previous fiat currencies: utter worthlessness.  (more)

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