Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How Usury Killed The Economy

Money as Debt Usury Banking : Tarek El Diwany author of 'the problem with interest', presents this educational documentary on the history of the current monetary system and its problem.Tarek El Diwany gives his analysis on what is wrong with today's financial system and how it can be fixed , This shows the bankers to be criminal and the unsustainability of constant economic growth .It explains how government policy of permitting pervasive usury has destroyed the U.S. economy. The usury discussed relates to credit cards and home loan mortgages, but expands the concept of usury into the excessive profitability caused by governmental non-enforcement of the nations antitrust, securities and anti-gambling laws. We do not need constant economic growth. We need economic stability and sustainability,Banking is an essential service to commerce and industry and to people, therefore it should not be in private hands.WE need to take over our own creation of money,and a national NON USARY bank, NOT FOR PROFIT,its employees should be employed by the treasury. Money should not equate to more money, money should not equate to POWER. Money should be the servant not the master. If the treasury is the only provider of money, then the treasury can pay for all infrastructure all essential services on a non profit basis. Imagine no interest on your mortgage, no taxes (no need to tax because the treasury controls all money supply) The true value of money would go from being negative(Debt) to Positive industry agriculture, productivity.

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