Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gerald Celente : the IMF the International Mafia Federation

Gerald Celente : ...the people in the west still live under the illusion of democracy , there is no democracy it's the political mafia in charge run by the IMF the International Mafia Federation that's the biggest boss the don , whether raping a woman or raping a nation that's what the IMF does , the only reason they get away with it is because the media is part of it they are nothing more than money junkies and murdered they are raping every country on earth to get the money and that's what they did in Egypt , .I am angry because we are going to war and nobody is stooping it says Gerald Celente of the trends journal , the politicians only represent the people who give them campaign contributions that's white shoe boy lingo for bribes and pay offs is a fight for your life ...the only way this is going to stop is to do like Iceland , ...what we need NATO for , NATO has no business ...

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