Wednesday, August 4, 2010

World economies on verge of currency revaluations to deal with debt

Basically what the world central banks are doing is increasing their money by devaluing it (printing more than it’s worth) and giving it to banks so that they can lend it. Then, when things pick up, simply take the money back and destroy it.

The $100 bill in your pocket really becomes worth $50 when they double the amount of currency out there without anything to back it (e.g. investors with resources), and the surplus is given to the already rich, since money travels down a pyramid from the government or resource maker to the consumer who consumes as a result of his/her labour (or profit maker to the consumer through secondary falls).

The net effect of Quantitative Easing is giving cash to the rich. When the amount of currency dwindles as the government calls in purchased bonds, credit will be crunched again and we will look to investors to provide credit like they did before. (more)

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